
A message from Emily Murcott - Assistant Principal / Wellbeing Literacy Leader


Celebrating Pride at Rolling Hills Primary School


Rolling Hills Primary School has four school values; Responsibility, Honesty, Pride and Support. During Term 3 we focus on our third value of Pride. We can all do our bit at school and at home to model and share what taking pride looks likes in these environments.


Instilling Pride in Students at School


Primary school is a crucial stage for children, where they begin to develop a sense of self and learn about their abilities and interests. Encouraging students to take pride in their work, behaviour, and achievements is essential for their growth and self-esteem. Here are some ways schools can foster this sense of pride:


1. Celebrating Achievements:

   - Recognition: At Rolling Hills we recognise and celebrate both academic and non-academic achievements. Whether it's excelling in a subject, showing kindness, or improving in a particular skill, acknowledging these milestones helps students feel valued.

   - Display Work: We are proud to showcase students work on noticeboards and digitally on screens around the school. When students see their projects, artwork, or essays displayed, it reinforces the importance of their efforts and encourages them to take pride in their accomplishments.


2. Encouraging Effort and Progress:

   - Growth Mindset: We teach students about the growth mindset—the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Praising effort, resilience, and progress rather than just innate talent helps students take pride in their learning journey.

   - Personal Goals: Across the school all students set and achieve personal goals. By tracking their progress and celebrating small victories, students learn to take pride in their dedication and improvements.


3. Fostering a Positive Environment:

   - Inclusive Activities: Whether it be class or whole school activities, we promote collaboration and inclusivity. Buddies sessions, level activities, whole school sporting events, house events and assemblies are integral times in students education where they work together and support each other, they learn to take pride in their contributions to the team.

   - Respect and Kindness: We constantly encourage a culture of respect and kindness in the classroom, in the yard and when we leave the school ground on excursions. Students should feel proud of their behaviour and the positive impact they have on their peers.


Encouraging Pride at Home

Parents play a vital role in helping children develop a sense of pride. Here are some ways parents can model and nurture pride at home:


1. Celebrating Achievements:

   - Acknowledge Successes: Celebrate your child's achievements, no matter how small. Acknowledge their hard work, their perseverance and dedication, whether it's a good grade, a well-done chore, or a personal milestone.

   - Display Their Work: Just as schools display student work, parents can create a special space at home to showcase their child's accomplishments. This could be a bulletin board or a digital photo album.


2. Modelling Positive Behaviour:

   - Show Enthusiasm: Let your child see you taking pride in your own work and achievements. Share your successes and challenges around the dinner table, demonstrating that pride comes from effort and perseverance.

   - Positive Communication: Use positive language and affirmations. Encourage your child to express pride in their achievements and efforts by asking questions like, "What are you most proud of today?"


3. Encouraging Responsibility and Independence:

   - Assign Tasks: Give your child age-appropriate responsibilities at home. Completing tasks such as setting the table, watering plants, or organising their room helps them feel a sense of accomplishment and pride.

   - Support Their Interests: Encourage your child's interests and hobbies. Provide opportunities for them to explore and excel in areas they are passionate about, whether it's sports, arts, or academics.


By fostering a sense of pride in students, both at school and at home, we help them build confidence, resilience, and a positive self-image. Celebrating achievements, encouraging effort, and creating a supportive environment are key strategies that parents and educators can use to nurture pride in young learners. Together, we can help children take pride in themselves and their journey, setting a foundation for lifelong success and happiness.