
Our Philosophy
- We believe that all children are capable and resourceful learners who are active contributors to their own learning.
- Children are valued as individuals, within the context of their family and their community.
- Children develop confidence, resilience and positive self-esteem through a supportive and secure environment.
- We strive to empower children, by using their thoughts and ideas to develop and enhance the program.
- We promote each child’s confidence and positive self-image through a range of provisions, experiences and opportunities that build upon their understandings, skills, values and sensitivities and promote success.
- We implement an inclusive approach to positively support children’s growth of identity, self esteem, encourage each child to reach their full potential in accordance with their individual ability.
- We will support children in becoming active citizens of their educational community as they gain their own unique sense of belonging, being and becoming.
- We believe that the environment is significant to learning, so a calm, relaxed atmosphere is evident as children are able to move between experiences in a flexible environment that supports individual rhythms.
- We are committed to supporting children in ways that help connect them to the natural world in order to build and promote awareness of environmental and sustainable practices.
- We implement a play-based curriculum. We believe it is important to provide children with a learning environment that provides many opportunities to develop decision-making and problem-solving skills.
- We are dedicated lifelong learners who support each other to maintain a culture of inquiry and reflective practice. Educators maintain professional confidence by keeping up to date with educational research, connecting with professional learning communities and by advocating for the joy of ongoing learning.
- We believe that families are the first and primary influence in the lives of children and are knowledgeable of their child. Trusting, respectful partnerships with families are a critical component of the way we establish a sense of belonging consistent between kindergarten and home.
- We believe that it is our collective responsibility to protect children from harm, and ensure we work together to adhere to the Child Safe Standards (2022).
- We respectfully incorporate and reflect upon the diversity within our community into our inclusive educational programs and will strive to build meaningful links with the local community and the wider world. Everyone comes from their own unique culture.
- Our kindergartens acknowledge their connection to Glen Education and uphold the vision and values of this association.
- We believe that a statement of the kindergarten’s philosophy changes, as new insights are gained and practice is evaluated.