
Glen Education Policies
Glen Education policies are developed, reviewed and refined to cater for changes in the educational environment, updates to legislation and to reflect community needs.
Please contact us at info@gleneducation.org.au or speak to your child’s educators if you have any questions or feedback.
Glen Education has an extensive list of policies that informs our practice, ensures children's safety and guides our procedures in the operational management of the kindergartens. The policies provide information about what we do and, in some cases, what we cannot do, and outline what families can expect from us in the delivery of a quality early childhood education.
A full list of Glen Education's Policies is available for you to view on our website.
Feedback - Compliments and Concerns
Glen Education is committed to providing quality early childhood education services which consistently meet local families and children’s needs. Your ideas and suggestions are always appreciated and welcomed.
All members of the Glen Education community are responsible for working in partnership to promote continuous improvement that supports the organisation’s philosophy and goals. We also aim to ensure that opportunities for improvement are identified, offered and implemented in accordance with the educational philosophy, stakeholder needs and preferences and the changing environment in which the kindergarten operates. You will see the goals and strategies of the kindergarten on the Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). It is a requirement under the National Quality Framework to have a QIP in place that evolves and changes as feedback is received, and goals are either identified or achieved.
Families should approach and speak to the educators in the first instance if there are any concerns. Glen Education Management and educators view any feedback as an opportunity to improve the services we provide. Any suggestions for improvement may be generated formally by contacting the Glen Education Management or informally by discussion with your kindergarten teacher or educator.
Glen Education is responsible for addressing any comments or concerns to ensure that issues are attended to promptly, with interested parties kept informed of the progress. Please refer to the Glen Education Policy page for more detailed information and our grievance procedure.
Fee Policy
Glen Education is committed to:
- providing responsible financial management of the service, including establishing fees that will result in a financially viable service, while keeping user fees at the lowest possible level
- providing a fair and manageable system for dealing with non-payment and/or inability to pay fees/outstanding debts
- ensuring there are no financial barriers for families wishing to access an early childhood program for their child/children
- maintaining confidentiality in relation to the financial circumstances of parents/guardians
- advising users of the service about program funding, including government support and fees to be paid by parents/guardians
- providing equitable access for families eligible for the Kindergarten Fee Subsidy.
Please note, four weeks written notice (via email) is required for families that decide to withdraw their child from a Glen Education program prior to term commencing. If such notice is not given, TERM FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE.
As per our educator's Employment Agreement, the first two days of term one and the last day of term four will be child free. This does not reduce the overall fee for the term.