What to Wear and Bring

What to wear to Kindergarten
Please label everything with your child’s name, including last name or last initial:
- Play safe clothes – that are appropriate for active and messy play. These should be clothes that are washable, comfortable and easily managed for children going to the toilet. Long dresses and capes should be avoided.
- Shoes – to protect feet for climbing, kicking balls and block building and should have good grip (No Crocs, thongs, high heels, etc as they are not safe for climbing). Shoes that your child can manage independently are preferred.
- Wet weather gear - we play outdoors every day. During winter, we still go outside in wet/cold weather, so your child will need layers of warm clothing, a jacket/raincoat and gumboots.
What to bring to Kindergarten
Please label everything with your child’s name, including last name or last initial:
- Kindergarten bag – Your child will need a bag that is large enough to carry their food boxes, water bottle, spare clothes, coat and artwork. Please help your child to learn to be responsible for carrying, packing, unpacking and storing their own bag each day.
- Lunchbox and snack boxes – containing a prepared, nourishing lunch and snacks. NO NUTS or nut products.
- Drink bottle – containing fresh water. No juice, milk or other beverages. Please wash the water bottle after every session.
- Complete change of clothes – including underwear and socks, due to sensory/messy play or toileting accidents. Please make sure it is seasonally appropriate. Please name every item of clothing.
Please do not bring - Children’s own toys should be left at home, unless your teacher gives permission to bring them. Children can also find it difficult to share them or they may get lost, broken or be inadvertently taken home by others. Children who have a security toy may need to bring it to kindergarten to help them settle when anxious.
Sun Protection
Sun protection will be required at all times of the year when the UV Index level is at 3 or above. Information about the UV Index level is available on the SunSmart website at www.sunsmart.com.au, as a free smart phone app (iPhone or android) and as a free widget that can be added to websites.
When the UV is above 3 (usually from September to May), all children are required to wear a broad brimmed or legionnaires hat, clothing that covers their shoulders and sunscreen. Please apply sunscreen before children attend the session, and educators will ensure it is reapplied every two hours in accordance with the SunSmart policy.
Clothing for sun protection: Clothing that is loose-fitting, made from cool, densely woven fabric and covers as much skin as possible. Singlet tops and ’shoe-string’ strap tops/dresses do not provide adequate protection in the sun and cannot be worn at kindergarten.
Families are to provide a roll-on sunscreen SPF30 (or above) for their child (that is clearly labelled with their name).