Latest News

Multicultural Dinner
The team surrounding the Multicultural Dinner rallied again for a night with 200 community members enjoying performances from our students, as well as Scott Darlow. Murrundindi and Ava again welcomed us to Country, with MCs, Chloe C, Thy B and Lena N (Music Capts) guiding us through the night.
The event could not have occurred without the support of the hospitality students and staff. Every year Mark and Lucy and the students produce food to feed an army, with tastes from across the world.
The rest of the team: Petrina, Sallie, Stacey, Scott, Ralph, Graham, Aden, Raech were joined by Emily M (raffle), Josie and Katie M (both worked through the day in the kitchen) and Quang (IT support).
Thanks to you all. Without a team approach, this event could not get off the ground each year.
Students who were involved, apart from our MCs, were:
Jis J, Titiska S, Claire P, Tahnysha T (with Alison B), and our Bollywood dancers - Gurnaz, Krisha, Nimar, Aanya, Afrin, Elisha, Emma, Gargies, Irene, Jia, Olivia, Sahana and Sienna. We also had two guest performers, visiting students from China who are staying with Graham P, who were incredible singers.
... and our cooks... Aliki C, Angel H, Etel H, Annabelle K, Jackie L, Sansom M, Jennifer N, Diya P, Olivia S, Nieve T, Salina Y and two hard-working dishwashers: Gabby and Olivia.
The first prize winner of the raffle was Megan L (one of our teachers).
Loreto Cannon
AP: Engagement, Operations and Community
Year 10 Drawing and Sculpture
Recently our year 10 Drawing and Sculpture class was privileged to have Tracey Lamb, a sculptural artist, undertake an all-day incursion with us. We learnt so much about her artistic practice, selling work and exhibiting art.
In this incursion, students designed and made sculptures with flat aluminium metal. We also undertook some creative drawings of the final work.
We look forward to exhibiting these works in the Art/Tech exhibition in October.
Ms Pearson
Sports Week
Recently, the Sports Committee hosted Sports Week, which was brilliantly centred around the Olympics, bringing to light the amazing achievements of many athletes this year, especially female athletes.
Throughout the week, we hosted a range of activities such as Just Dance, Teachers Vs Year 12 students Volleyball match and a temporary country flag tattoo booth to celebrate the multiculturalism and brilliance of athletes from all over the world.
The tattoo booth and fan gear day seemed to be very popular among students, seeing colourful clothes and scarves all over the school! Overall, it was so much fun getting to keep up with the Paris 2024 Olympics and seeing female athletes dominate the spotlight in one of the most historical Olympics ever!
Gitty R
Sports Leader
Cancer Council Fundraiser with Eden Foster
Last Saturday, Eden Foster, an alumni of Killester, and a Member for Mulgrave, hosted a Cancer Council Morning tea in our Kennedy Hall.
Eden raised a remarkable $10,000 to go towards the much-needed funding for research.
CGSAV Soccer
Last month, we took three teams to compete in the CGSAV Soccer competition at Darebin.
Our teams had trained hard over the last few weeks to prepare for the competition. Our coaches for the day were Mr Cherrington (juniors) Mr McGrath (Inters) and Mr Brody (Seniors).
The teams all did really well throughout the day, but the intermediates were the team to beat, going undefeated throughout all the round games. The inters made it into the grand final finishing on top of the ladder, but unfortunately lost to Kilbreda 1-0 in the final game of the day. So close!
A huge thank you to all the staff and students involved in the day.
R U OK Art Competition
Congratulations to many of our Year 7 and 8 students who took up the challenge of creating their own piece of original art for the R U OK Day National Student Art Competition.
The brief for the competition was What does an R U OK? conversation mean to you? and could include the following ideas:
-Explore a time when a friend was there for you, or when you were there for them.
-Represent how a meaningful conversation makes you feel
-Encourage others to check in with their mates
-Provide ideas of how to support someone you care about.
Well done to our wonderful artists for taking up the offer and for spreading an important message about mental health!
Featured artwork by:
Shree S - Year 7
Bethany H - Year 8
Hope D - Year 8
Forum with Professor Joseph Camilleri
Twenty five of our students met with Professor Joseph Camillier OAM to discuss issues that they were most interested in or felt most passionate about - especially as relates to human security/social justice issues. This is a project that is a conversation that is running across an enormous number of Victorian and Australian organisations.
Our students were asked to be involved following a meeting that Ms Buick and I attended in Term 2.
Issues such as our First Nations people, care for our country and nature/natural resources, the poor, the homeless. the discriminated, those caught up in war or violence, policies that shape the future of people (such as armed forces, big business), refugees, and culturally sensitive engagement with peoples of all cultu
Loreto Cannon
AP: Engagement, Operations and Community
Year 12 Personal Development Day
Recently, the Year 12 cohort had a blast with our Personal Development Day!
We decorated sunnies with gems and letter beads, having lots of fun being creative with different colours and designs. In our homeroom, we also watched some old videos we created in class, feeling nostalgic of the history we’ve made with friends.
Sonya Karras, ex-bouncer and now international youth speaker, taught us the importance of being party-safe and how to protect ourselves and others in critical situations. Her delivery was effortless; the commentary engaging, the jokes hilarious, and the stories highly informative. We’ve never seen our year level so engaged in a guest speaker.
Together, we had a Disco in the Kennedy Hall which consisted of mini-games such as four corners and a dance competition between homerooms. Ultimately Truganini won with an amazing dance performance that had Ms Martin showing off her moves. We played musical statues and, to finish off, we all danced to the Nutbush which really brought the Year 12 cohort together.
We take this time to say thank you to the amazing Ms Galante and the Year 12 Homeroom teachers for their hardworking skills in organising this fun and informative Year 12 Personal Development Day.
We really appreciate the effort that they put into these days to ensure that we are all able to take a break from the busyness of the year.
Thank you,
Eliza E, Natalie X, Nemesia C and Georgina V
Year 12 Students
SEGAP Teen Chef Competition
After competing on Friday with SEGAP schools Killester received a bronze medal for the Teen Chef competition. The judges themselves said the competition was tight and difficult to judge. All participating schools enjoyed the day.
Please congratulate Diya P, Aliki C, Jackie L and Victoria D for producing the amazing dishes!
Year 8 Textiles Classes are Creating with Flying Colours
Year 8 students have been reaching new heights in Textiles Classes, they displayed amazing skills in hand embroidery and embellishment by making felt birds that will be on display at the Art and Technology show.
They have also been learning how to use the sewing machines and successfully completed scrunchies as a tribute to the nineties.
Anna Miha
Textiles Teacher
Book Week
Last week, our College celebrated Book Week with many fun activities for all our students to enjoy.
We thank our Library team for organising trivia, bookmark, and keyring-making sessions in the Library.
Well done to our students who dressed up, there were so many clever and creative costumes!
Year 9 Indonesian Excursion
Last week our Year 9 students ventured to ACMI to learn about animation. This term, they're using their newfound skills to write and animate their very own Indonesian legends, weaving rich cultural elements into each tale.
Take a peek at their creations from the ACMI workshop and watch them in action in class, applying what they've learned. Stay tuned for their incredible animations!
Ms Chau
CGSAV Aerobics
We took two teams to OLMC in Heidelberg to compete in the CGSAV Aerobics competition. The teams worked very hard in the lead-up to the day to create their routine - completing training at recess and lunch times in Tullow.
Both teams were amazing on the day and represented the school beautifully.
Our Killester (1st team) came away with 3rd place. We were very excited to have placed as there were so many great teams we had to compete against.
Well done to all the ten students who participated in the day - Tahnysha, Claire, Beata, Alyssa, Marjy, Jessica, Vanessa, Chloe, Samantha, Isabella.
Also, a huge thank you to Ms Donna Brunt & Abby Broomhall who assisted with coaching the teams.
Go Team Killester!
Year 9 Italian Excursion
Recently, all our Year 9 Italian classes had a wonderful opportunity to immerse themselves in some Italian culture, right here in the city of Melbourne. The topics and themes covered were Italian food culture and the history of Italian migration to Australia.
A trip was organised by the Languages Department to Mediterranean Wholesalers an Italian supermarket in Brunswick; a visit to a small but information-packed Museo Italiano in Carlton and a treasure hunt walk around Lygon Street, Carlton.
The weather was on our side and everyone had a great day exploring.
As Federico Fellini would say “ A different language is a different vision of life”.
Ms Gallo
Learning Area Leader - Languages
Vinnies Winter Sleep Out
Last night Killester held its annual Winter Sleepout, raising much-needed funds for Vinnies.
The night started with awareness raising about homelessness run by Vinnies. Great discussions were held about what choices you would make if you were experiencing homelessness.
A simple meal of soup was followed by a forty minute sleeping rough experience outside and then a moving liturgy in the chapel where we prayed and stood in solidarity with those experiencing homelessness.
The night ended in a social action. Students and staff packaged care packages for the Dandenong soup van. Students left a message of hope and encouragement in each package.
Thank you to the seventy five students and twelve teachers who volunteered to participate in the sleepout, raising over $1,200. Congratulations on a mega effort!
College Ambassador News
On Friday our College Ambassadors were at Nazareth College for the annual St Vincent de Paul School Conference for their role of Mini Vinnies for 2025.
Last week the Interfaith Network of Dandenong met for the Annual Signing of the shared agreement with Faith Leaders and community representatives.
At Killester, we are very proud to be active members of this network and value all that is being done by some many faith communities, with a shared commitment to peace and harmony and understanding.
2024 Non-government school census
The Australian Government Department of Education annually collects certain information about schools, its staff and the student body as part of its census - please click here for more information.