Whole School News

Interschool sport
Tomorrow marks the beginning of our Term 3 Interschool Sports Program.
All grade 6 students are part of a sporting team, with some grade 5 students joining to meet team requirements. Grade 5 students not in sporting teams will participate in a tennis program at Macleod Tennis Club starting next Friday, August 2nd. This term, we are excited to introduce two new sports, Cricket Blast and Hot Shots Tennis, and the returning favourite, soccer.
Our first game is scheduled for tomorrow against Macleod College and students will be walking to Macleod College. As Macleod College does not have a Cricket team, our Cricket team will have training sessions this week instead. The games will commence at 12:00 p.m., with the girls' teams playing first.
Parent Survey - School Saving Bonus
The School Saving Bonus will be available to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025. If you are a parent or carer of more than one child, your school will receive the $400 credit for each child under your family account.The Department of Education is currently working on how the School Saving Bonus can be spent.The department is seeking feedback from parents and carers througha short survey. Your feedback is important.More information about the School Saving Bonus is available on theVictorian Government website. The department will provide more guidance about the Bonus in Term 3, 2024.
Big Group Hug Needs Kids Coats!
Big Group Hug has run out of coats for local kids in need. Until the end of term please leave at Reception any kids size 2 to kids size 16 coats. Any winter clothes will be gratefully accepted, but they desperately need coats.
Thank you!
Students Of The Week
Congratulations to our fantastic leaders of learning this week!
Term 3 - Week 1
Prep K - Rafael MM
Prep S - June K
1/2P - Adrien DG
1/2K - Eugene L
1/2S - Aidan G
1/2W - Rosha A
2/3W - None, class is at Quantum
3/4B - None, class is at Quantum
3/4R - Amelie B
3/4T - Dakota A and Mim H
4/5H - Alex A
5/6D - Jake V
5/6C - Fonfield NL
5/6A - Caden J
Their achievements will be celebrated at Friday's assembly at 2:45pm.
House Cup
Term 3 - Week 2: Winners !!!
Red Waratah - 1st
Green Grevillea and Golden Wattle - 2nd
Blue Gum - 3rd