A note from Mr Jackson

Preps Enrolments Due Tomorrow
Enrolment applications for students planning to enrol in Prep in 2024 are due to be completed by Friday 26 July, tomorrow. Parents and carers with siblings at the school are asked to ensure they have completed the mandated enrolment by this time. If you have any questions or need support then please contact the office, we don’t want anyone to miss out.
FORPS Disco Friday 26 July 2024
We are looking forward to the glitz and glamour of our disco on Friday evening. Thanks to FORPS for pulling the event together in this wonderful night. A reminder that there are no purchase of tickets on the night! QKR! payments closed yesterday so if you have not yet purchased your ticket please come to the office before school on Friday at the latest.
ICAS Registrations Close on 29 July
A reminder that our ICAS registrations close on 29 July. Students from Year 2 to 6 who wish to extend their learning by participating in an ICAS Assessment must be registered by this date. It is an opportunity particularly focused on students who work at or beyond their expected learning areas. Please note these tests are not compulsory, they are simply an opportunity for students to challenge and extend themselves in the areas of English, Writing, Mathematics and/or Science. Information on payments and registering are on the Compass Newsfeed.
Conferences Continue
Thanks to all who have joined together to reflect on student learning in the Three Way Conferences. This year our conferences have taken place over two weeks to accommodate parents and staff. Upon the conclusion of the conferences we look forward to reviewing the experience and continuing to find ways to improve.
Collaboration Day (Tuesday 30 July)
We’re all wearing yellow on Tuesday to mark Collaboration Day!
Collaboration plays a vital role in learning and human development, particularly within educational settings and as a lifelong attribute. After several years of ‘Learning from Home’ during the COVID19 period, we returned ever more conscious of the significance of social learning practices. Students learn from each other’s perspectives and insights, fostering a deeper understanding of the world.
During Collaboration Day students will have opportunities to engage in collaborative activities that require students to think critically and creatively. Skills in teamwork, listening and responding to diverse viewpoints, supporting team members are some of the challenges that will bring students together.
Book Week Character Dress Up (Monday 5 August)
There has been lots of discussions about book characters with students over the last few days. This year’s theme is Reading with Magic! This day is a fun event for all who love a book! We are looking forward to entering into conversations and debates about characters as we dive headfirst into literature. There will be the parade at the end of the day at 2:30pm that will give everyone a chance to celebrate the importance of books in our lives. Our wider community are invited to attend
Volunteering at Rosanna Primary School
We have a wonderful (collective noun) of volunteers at the school. Parents who are reading with students in corridors, harvesting vegetables in the sustainability garden, laminating posters in the prep area or travelling on a bus on an excursion!
To ensure our whole community is safe there are two important tasks for parents and carers to complete before they can volunteer at Rosanna Primary.
1. Completion of the Rosanna Primary OHS Induction Checklist. This checklist is a reflection on the content and significant practices that support a ChildSafe community and safe work practice. These practices and understandings are clearly articulated int eh Rosanna Primary Volunteer Manual. Both these documents are available to borrow in hard copy from the office or available digitally in School Resources menu under the Pencil Icon (Teaching and Learning) on Compass.
2. Working With Children’s Check. This can be gained from the Department of Justice. It may take some time for your card to arrive so we encourage you to make an application well and truly before you seek to volunteer. A hyperlink is available on the Compass Resources menu also.
Both these practices are important strategies to ensure the wellbeing of our students and wider community. Please ask at the office if you have any questions.
Sporting and Swimming Update
Well done to our terrific team of tee ballers on Friday who played ‘their best game ever’ but went down to Heidelberg Primary by just one run. Their energy and excitement upon their return was evidence of their positive approach to taking on challenges!
We hope all who are travelling to Hoop Time today enter into the basketball round robin in the same manner. It will be a busy day as students participate in numerous games over the entire day. I am sure they will return exhausted.
The 1/2 Learning Area start swimming today and we wish them well. Not only does it provide a fun and healthy form of exercise, but it also equips them with a vital life-saving ability. Swimming fosters physical development, improves coordination, and enhances cardiovascular health. Additionally, it builds confidence and teaches discipline, patience, and perseverance. Ensuring that children learn to swim at an early age can significantly reduce the risk of drowning, instilling both children and parents with peace of mind during water activities. This experience is made possible with the school covering the costs of the instruction and parents the transport. Investing in swimming lessons for children is a crucial step towards their overall safety and well-being, of our whole community.
Canteen Closed Over the Coming Days
We have had to close the Canteen over the coming days while Sharon is on leave. We are all looking forward to her return in the middle of next week when we can enjoy the wonders of the canteen again.
Working Bee Saturday (Saturday 10 August) 9-12noon
Parents are invited to help push a wheelbarrow and share in the construction of a ‘Frog Bog’ designed and arising out of learning int eh 2/3/4 Learning Area at the upcoming Working Bee. We’ll also be updating some of our hazard lines and step edges around the site. Every hand makes a difference! Please consider joining us.
A Special Thanks to Anne
Anne Armando has been helping out in the office over the last few weeks. She has been our Business Manager and Office Manager over term two and into the first two weeks of term three. Her support and willingness to throw herself into the day to day challenges of life in ‘the front office’ has been greatly appreciated by all. I wanted to express my gratitude and thanks for her journeying with us all.