Year Three - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families,

What a wonderful week we have had in Ephesus. lots of investigating and questioning. We are all getting excited for the upcoming Olympics and how we are going to keep a tally in our community of the countries that we are all connected with. 


Mathematics: This week we have finalised our time learning. It would be awesome if when you get the opportunity to continue to practice telling the time. Next week things are going to get competitive. We are going to make use of the excitement around the Olympics and teach mathematics using games and rich learning tasks. Students will have the opportunity to decide on rules, point systems and games to play. We will be mixing in some multiplication and division. Grade 3 will also be working on their skills to communicate their thinking using visual, mathematical language, and mathematical symbols. 


English: We have been learning about the structure of an information report. Each student is choosing a famous entertainer to research and write a report about. Most people have chosen an actor, singer, comedian, musician or DJ. One of our focus skills has been on note taking and being able to record only key words before writing them into full sentences. 


Religious Education: In RE this week we are interested to discover more about our students religious backgrounds and experiences.  They will be taught how to conduct a short interview. The children will then bring home a sheet of questions and we politely request that you can find a few minutes to allow them to interview you! 

The questions will allow them to now their story, why they attend St Thomas and then to be able to share customs, festivals and things special to them.


Auslan: In Auslan we have been learning about asking for help, asking to play certain games, work in pairs and then communicating back with what we want and don't want. 



Please remember to answer the survey your child brings home to help us get a better picture of the faiths we are supporting in our community. 


Communicating with the teacher is best done through Simon or email.