Year Two - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families,

This Friday the 2024 Summer Olympic Games begin! To mark this special occasion STAPS have created the St Thomas Mathematics Olympic Games. Students across the school will participate in Olympic style math games and complete some mathematics learning based on these games. 


Next week we are learning...

Religious Education: We are learning about the images of God and how our gifts and talents make us unique and special. 


Mathematics: We are looking at operations within our link to the Olympic games style math games. As part of this unit students will be developing their own game. Parents have the opportunity to come in and play these games with their children. Parents are invited to come to one of the following sessions:

Day 1: Friday 9th August 11:45-12:30

Day 2: Monday 12th August 11:45-12:30

Day 3: Wednesday 14th August 11:45-12:30.

We understand that for many parents this may not be possible, so we will be sending home their created games to play with you so you don't miss the experience. 


English: We will be looking at visual representations of characters' reactions, speech and thought processes. We are also continuing our work on expanding sentences.

Spellingwrap, wrote, black, sneak, mulch, glitch, pull, staff, front, wonder
Vocabularyshore, victory, ancient, yanked, digging, laughed, campfire, approached

Auslan: This week we are learning that in Auslan we sign the time at the start of the sentence. We often do this in English, but it is more common to do this in Auslan.


Social/Emotional Learning & RRRR: This term we are learning about gender identity and specifically the different roles and occupations associated with the genders.

This week...


29 July

All Year 2 Classes - Change Readers

2C - Visual Arts


30 July

2C - Physical Education (PE Uniform)

2D - Visual Arts


31 July

All Year 2 Classes - Change Readers

All Year 2 Classes - STSS

2A - Visual Arts



1 August

2A - Physical Education (PE Uniform)

2B - Physical Education (PE Uniform)


2 August

2B - Visual Arts

2D - Physical Education (PE Uniform)


Make sure your uniforms are labelled as we are gathering a large collection of unnamed clothing in our classrooms. We have heaters on when it is cold so some students like to take off layers indoors and misplace items. Please check your child/ren are bringing home their correct clothing and return any that don't belong to you.


Book Week is coming up in a few weeks time (Week 6) with the theme 'Reading is Magic'. On Friday 23rd August we will be having our Book Week dress up and parade. 


Call Out!

Our Integrated Studies focus this Semester has us looking at World Dance. We are asking if any parents/families participate in cultural dance and would be willing to share these with our community. Please email Miss Cannizzaro if you are interested. 

Contact Us @ Damascus

The team




2A - Jodie Bawden -  

         Elizabeth de Araugo -  

2B - Jane Heard-

2C - Jessica Cannizzaro - 

         Cecilia Kuech -  

2D - Nimanthi Perera -   Dear Families,