Foundation - Spotlight on Learning

Please note that the weather is very wet and has made our school grounds muddy. We do not have any changes of clothes at school, so please pack spare clothing just in case. If not, you will get a phone call from us to come and assist in cleaning them up and giving them fresh clothing when they get wet. Thank you!


Mathematics:   Mathematical Olympics begin! 

English: Learning about ss, ff, ll and other double consonants.

Religious Education: Learning about Mary Mackillop

Auslan: In Auslan we are learning to use time signs, such as 'today', 'tomorrow' and 'yesterday'. 


This week...

Monday 29th of July00B 00C Sport
Tuesday  30th of July 
Wednesday 31st of July

School Photo Day

00A Sport

Thursday 1st of August 
Friday 2nd of August 

100 Days of School

Come dressed as what you'd like to be when you grow up!

Please pack appropriate footwear.

00D Sport


PLEASE DO NOT FORGET 100 Days of school on Friday 2nd August!

Pack a party food lunch box on this day, please.

  • Maths Parent Visiting Activities: Friday 9th, Monday 12th OR Wednesday 14th August. Please refer to main part of this newsletter for more information.
  • Monday 14 October - Excursion to Bunjil Place 
  • Monday November 18th through Friday 29th November - Swimming (To Be Confirmed)
Milo's Birthday Suprise!
Milo's Birthday Suprise!