Year Five - Spotlight on Learning

Dear Families,


Don't forget this Wednesday 31st July is School Photo Day. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct Uniform. The students have been enjoying their Integrated Unit on dance. Please be sure to ask them to show you some of the styles of dance they have been learning and head over to Seesaw to see some amazing dancing.


With the upcoming Olympics, we are very excited to be following the progress of the Olympians whilst completing Math's activities. Its our own Maths Olympics. View Seesaw during the week to see photos of what we are up to. We are having an Olympics Games Activity on Friday 9th of August from11.45am - 12.30pm. Parents are invited to come to the classroom and participate in some Olympic Games the students have created. We look forward to seeing you during this time and having you enjoy the Olympic spirit.


Congratulations to those students who had their confirmation on Saturday. This is a huge step in your walk with the Lord, and we can't wait to see what God has in store for you throughout your spiritual journey.



Mathematics: Olympic Math's - Focus on Fractions.

English: Tom Appleby – Convict Boy Class Novel. Writing body paragraphs features of an information report.  Differentiating being between phrases and clauses.

Religious Education: Sacraments

Integrated Studies: Students will be trying the following dances; Zumba, Cardio, Cheerleading. Focus also will be also on choreographing a dance sequence.

SEL: Children will learn that gender norms and expectations happen from an early age and this influences the roles, attitudes and behaviours they adopt.

Auslan:  Students will be learning the signs for the following;

Today is hot
Tomorrow will be hot
Yesterday was cold
Two days ago
In two days

This week...

Monday 29th of JulyMedia Arts - All classes
Tuesday date 30th of JulyAll grades have a Specialist class (STSS).
Wednesday date 31st of JulySchool Photo Day
Thursday date 1st of August5C wear Sports Uniform
Friday date 2nd of August5D wear Sports Uniform.


  • Students are required to be wearing their winter uniform
  • Please send your student to school with fruit for brain food
  • Students are expected to be reading at a minimum 4 times a week
  • Book Week is coming up in a few weeks time (Week 6) with the theme 'Reading is Magic'. On Friday 23rd August we will be having our Book Week dress up and parade. Start getting those costumes ready!


  • Wednesday 31st July - School Photo Day
  • Friday 9th of August -11.45am - 12.30pm - Olympic Games Activity - Parents Invited.
  • Friday 16th August - National Day of Action against bullying & violence
  • Thursday 22nd August - STUDENT FREE DAY (OSHC is available to book)
  • Friday 23rd August - Book Week Parade
  • Friday 30th - August Fathers Day Celebration
  • Friday 20th September - Favourite Sports Team Dress up day & Last day of Term 3


5A Miss Esha Blake

5B Mrs Lyndal Mihic

5C Mrs Christine Bellert

5D Mr Brennan Burke

CLL & class teacher Mrs Alison Gracie 

Boot Scooting Dance
Boot Scooting Dance