Leadership Communication

Starting on Monday all classes will engage in carefully planned Maths investigations with an Olympic flavour.  A major focus will be thinking mathematically and also children being able to explain to a peer how they solved problems verbally. 


As a climax to this fabulous learning the students would like to invite families to come and engage in some Maths games with them.  


We will have three sessions available (see below). You are requested to only visit on one occasion to allow for parking and space restrictions. Please check carefully that your child's class is available.




Which classes will be available

Day 1

Friday 9th

11.45 - 12.30

All classes available


Day 2

Monday 12th

11.45 - 12.30

Not Available

ANY Year 4s (swimming)

5C, FB

Day 3

Wednesday 14th

11.45 - 12.30

Not Available 

Year 3s (STSS class)

 Not Year 4s (swimming)



Everyday each community will collect the medal tally and display this info. We know this will generate lots of excited discussion and wonderings.  If you'd like to play along at home here's a great link.


In the meantime be sure to ask your child about what they are learning in Maths! 


Keep an eye on our socials for updates and photos!


Kind Regards

Sarah Chappell