From the 

Leader of Year 11 Wellbeing

Mr Peter Robertson

It is hard to believe that we are into August already and the final term of Year 11! There are only five weeks of lessons remaining before the Preliminary Exams in Weeks 9 and 10. All students should be working hard towards their academic goals, in preparation for the beginning of HSC courses in October. It is not necessarily about finishing in first place in each subject but achieving your personal best. This is true whatever type of pathway each student is pursuing.


Over the next few weeks, we begin the process of selecting a new Student Leadership Team for 2024/5. As the current Year 12 cohort sit their Trial HSC exams and begin transitioning out of the College, we are looking for prospective leaders in Year 11 who can step up and take on a little more responsibility in representing St Aloysius College Cronulla. 


We will be talking about ‘Leadership’ in our Pastoral lessons before Nominations/Applications occur, followed by voting and interviews a little later in the term. This is an exciting time, but can also be a bit nerve wracking for all concerned - students, parents and staff. Questions like: Am I up to the job? Do I have the right qualities to be a leader? Can I juggle/balance the expectations? Will leadership impact on my son/daughter’s time/study/ATAR? Will enough students apply?


Most importantly, it must be remembered that ALL Year 12 students (and indeed all seniors) are leaders. Whilst we will have 2 captains, 2 vice captains, 2 mission leaders and 8 house leaders, it is also imperative that as young adults and the oldest students in the school, they set the right example and tone for Year 7 in Term 4 and then in 2025 with Years 7 and 8, as well as the new Year 11. Every interaction, whether in a classroom, the playground or in the community, should be positive, constructive and conducted in an appropriately adult manner.


I look forward to seeing our new group of leaders, as well as the whole year group, embrace the opportunity and potential of leadership and the next few months of their schooling journey.