From the 

Leader of Year 12 Wellbeing

Mrs Rachel O'Connor

I would like to congratulate Year 12 on how well they have prepared and entered the Trial HSC examination period. This time of year can often be challenging to not just the students sitting the Trial HSC but for those who are also living with students who are sitting these exams. The support that you provide your son or daughter at this time is extremely important. There will be exam stress but this is also what can motivate your son or daughter to succeed. Headspace Australia has some very timely advice for students at this time. If you have any concerns or questions about the Trial HSC period please do not hesitate in contacting myself or Olivia Dawson our College Counsellor. 

Take the time to plan

  • Prepare a study plan and goals for each day / week. Make sure it's balanced with other important things in your life - that way it will be easier to stick to.
  • Talk to your employers early to let them know you need to limit your shifts / hours while studying.
  • Create a study space that is comfortable, quiet, well lit, organised, and has no distractions nearby, such as a TV, phone, people talking, etc.
  • Make sure you have everything you need for each study session as this helps to feel more confident and organised.
  • If you feel worried about an exam, let it go for now and focus on your next exam. It probably isn’t as bad as what you think it is.

Look after yourself!

  • Self care is especially important when you have a big demand in your life - that way you have the energy to commit to what you need to accomplish.
  • Build activities you enjoy and that bring your stress levels down into your study plan, such as sport, spending time with friends, internet, etc.
  • Don't get hungry before or while studying or on the morning of an exam. Grab nutritional snacks that keep you going, such as fruit/nuts/dairy, etc.
  • Remember to get some exercise every day as this helps you to keep focused and energetic.

The following website has these and many more hints for parents and students: