Student Wellbeing
Stay Safe | Try Your Best | Act Responsibly | Respect Others
Student Wellbeing
Stay Safe | Try Your Best | Act Responsibly | Respect Others
We have been analysing our Student Wellbeing Data that was collected over the past 2 weeks. We are pleased to share that in all 4 areas of mental health assessment, our wellbeing concerns have reduced. Including the lowest levels of concern in the area of social. We believe that straight grades have had an impact on this. Engagement concerns have reduced significantly which we linked our Berry Street Education work to and our Anxiety and Emotional concerns saw a small reduction which was positive which we attributed to our social and emotional programs such as Respectful Relationships, Behaviour lessons and the Howie Games Program. We will unpack this in more details, from age specific point of view over the next week and look forward to sharing more details next newsletter.
Our behaviour focus this week has an Olympic feel to it - Respecting Others when playing games.
A special well done to all our Gotcha winners for Term 3. These students won our behaviour raffle after being caught out by teachers behaviour positively and showing our STAR values.
A friendly shout out to all students who helped give feedback and voice into the aspects of how they wanted the ninja warrior course to look and play like. This process took quite some times going back and forth to all classrooms, to Student voice team (SRC) and to the playground supplier. It was really exciting to see the Ninja Course debut this week!
Have a great winter holidays!
Best, Benjamin Lannen
Wellbeing and Maths Leader