Education in Faith

Faith, Family, Friendship

Level Masses for term 3

This term we will continue to celebrate mass in our levels with the parish community. 


Timetable Masses for this term:

Year 5  Wednesday 21st August 9:15

Year 4  Wednesday 28th August 9:15

Year 1&2 Wednesday 4th September 9:15

Prep  Wednesday 18th September 9:15


Whole school Mass for Feast of the Assumption

Thursday 15th August 11:40

First Eucharist

Over the next 2 weekends many of our year 4 students  will receive their fFirst Eucharist during the weekend Masses. 

Please keep these wonderful young people in your prayers as they take this important step in their faith journey.



Corinne Davis

Religious Education Leader







Dear Year 3 & 4 Families, 

You are warmly invited to attend a special celebration with the Parish Community. 


When: Saturday the 7th of September, 2024 at 6:00pm


Where: Holy Spirit Community Church.  


After Mass: There will be pizza, sausage rolls, party pies, 

  cordial, tea & coffee


We would love you to join us.



More details for catering purposes will be in the next newsletter.



This weekend we have the first of our First Eucharist Masses on Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 9am.  Please note there is no Sunday 5pm mass in the Chapel this week.  Instead there is a First Eucharist Mass at St Anne’s, Park Orchards at 5pm.  We ask that you keep these children in your prayers as they come to the table of the Lord for the very first time.   The following weekend will be the last of our First Eucharist Masses again on Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 9am (17th and 18th August).  A huge thank you to the parents, families, teachers and Marianne our Sacramental Program Coordinator for preparing the children for this very special occasion.


On Thursday 15th August there will be a whole school mass to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption at 11.40 pm in the Church.  There will also be a mass for Parishioners held at 7.00 pm in the Holy Spirit Chapel.  All are welcome to attend either mass.


St Vincent de Paul are seeking donations of the following for the month of August:  coffee, tea, long life milk, breakfast cereals and spreads, tins of soup, pasta and rice.  Donations can be left in the wheelie bin by the front door of the Church entrance.


Thank you and have a lovely fortnight ahead.