Education in Faith
Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.
Education in Faith
Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.
“It is important for children to properly prepare for their First Communion,
so that there’s no child without this Sacrament.
The Eucharist is a firm step towards Jesus, along with
Baptism and Confirmation.”
Pope Francis
Congratulations to all the children who received the Sacrament of Eucharist on the weekend. The children were amazing throughout the whole celebration. Well done to all as they continue through their faith journey.
We extend our thanks to Sienna, Maria, Ariana, Abby, and Florence for participating in our singing on the weekend. Their dedication and commitment to this event are fantastic. Well done, girls.
Last Thursday, our Eucharist candidates engaged in a retreat day. The day began with the children gathering in the chapel for a reflective liturgy. The day continued with the children making their chalices, exploring and unpacking the whole school scripture Road to Emmaus and making connections to the scripture as we prepared to celebrate the Sacrament of Eucharist.
We continued the day by focusing on:
Throughout the day the children were given the opportunity to document any wonderings that they may have about the Sacrament. The day was very reflective, and it gave the children the opportunity to step aside from the normal daily school routine and focus on God and our faith. It enabled us to spend time together and think about the sacrament that the children will be receiving for the first time this weekend.
As a learning community of St. Fidelis, we take the time and opportunity to farewell Father Linh as he moves to his new parish in Queenscliff. We invite all parents and carers to join us this Friday, August 9th, at 9.15 am to celebrate this event.
As a school community, we thank Father Linh for all he has done for St. Fidelis during his time as our parish priest. We thank him for assisting us in all our sacraments, whole school and weekly masses and guiding us through our faith journey. Good luck, and God bless.
God Bless
Annette Gasbarro
Religious Education Leader