Parents & Friends

Kate Esam

Key dates

  • 9 August: Trivia Night
  • 14 August: Cupcake Day
  • 28 August: Father's Day Stall
  • 15 November: Student Free Day - Set up for Fete
  • 16 November: School Fete 
    • We are looking for anyone who has a connection to a business that might be interested in sponsoring a stall or being a major sponsor…please reach out if this is you!

PFA update

We hope everyone had a fantastic mid-year break. 


I’d like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude towards the volunteers who put together the Winter Solstice at the end of term 2. It was such an amazing event!! It was the first one we have done and I personally thought it was a highlight of the first half of the year and will probably be for the whole year! The set up was amazing in the gym, the performer was incredible, the lantern walk was awesome and the disco was heaps of fun. We had volunteers put this event together who put their blood, sweat and tears into making it really special for our PMPS community. I’d love to thank Mia, Shannon, Hayley, Donna and Julia for all their efforts and ideas! Thank you!!!!!

Trivia Night

When: Friday 9 Augus 2024, 7pm - midnight

Where: PMPS Gym

Tickets: $75 - buy tickets now.


For those that are new to our school - the Trivia Night is a highlight in many parent's calendars! It’s always really fun, where we dress up, play some trivia and other games and end the night with some dancing! We’ll have an online auction (open to the whole school) that’s made up of donated items from local businesses and we’ll have a raffle on the night too - these are to raise funds for our fabulous school and to keep programs running that are so fantastic for our children.


These events don’t happen without parent helpers, many hands make for light work - if you can volunteer for just a couple of hours, we’d really appreciate it. Please add your name to the volunteer sign-up sheet.


The Era’s of PMPS dress up theme - think the Victorian Era of the 1890s through the turn of the new century and the Victorian Gold Rush. Think the jazz age Gangsters and Gatsby to the romance and glamour from the Golden age of Hollywood of the 1930s and 40s. The birth of rock n roll in the 50s through to the swinging 60s, Flower Power and the 1970s disco era of Studio 54 and Saturday Night Fever. 


Pop styles and new Brat Pack icons of the 1980s onward to 90s grunge and Brit Pop. New century, millennials and style leaders think Britney Spears, Sex and the City, Beyoncé and JayZ and all the “eras” of Taylor Swift. The night has an era for everyone!


Volunteer: Sign up to help.

What is the PFA?

Join the PFA

We would love new people to join, so if you’re keen, please reach out to Kate Esam at