Food Drive

Sasha Goss

This term, the Student Representative Council (SRC) are leading a whole school community project to benefit a charitable organisation in our local area. We are running a food drive to benefit the Father Bob Foundation, based in South Melbourne. The food we collect will go towards their Community Pantry that distributes food and household items to those who need it. The Foundation collects things such as:

  • breakfast cereals
  • pasta, spaghetti, rice
  • 2 minute noodles
  • tinned tuna, soup, vegetables
  • biscuits
  • tea, coffee, sugar
  • basic toiletries (ie. toilet paper, soap, tooth brushes, tooth paste and shampoo)
  • pet food.

On Tuesday, the SRC reps were extremely lucky to have the opportunity to have Graham Collier from the Foundation come to school and speak to us about who Father Bob was, the great work the Foundation does and how we can help through the food drive!


When: 29 July - 16 August

Where: Every classroom


The Food Drive will run for 3 weeks starting THIS MONDAY the 29th of July and will conclude at the end of week 5 on Friday the 16th of August.  Containers will be placed in each double for you to place your donations and these will be collected at the end of the drive by the Father Bob Foundation.


If you can help, in any way – big or small – your donations will benefit our community! 


Thank you!