Principal's report 

Tom Cain

Welcome back to Term 3! We have a busy and exciting term ahead, filled with opportunities for learning and community engagement. I’m looking forward to all the activities and events planned.

In our classrooms

It's been great to see students make a strong start to the term. Thank you to our teachers for their hard work in ensuring a smooth transition back to school.


Our Year 3 and 5 students received their NAPLAN individual reports last week. Our results remain very strong, and we congratulate all students on their achievements.


Last term, all Year 4-6 students completed the Department's Student Attitude to School Survey. I'm pleased to share that the preliminary results from this survey appear strong, indicating that our students' school experience has improved over previous years. I'll share more details once the final results are available, but thank you to our teachers and school leaders for their continued efforts in enhancing the student experience at Port Melbourne Primary School.


It was wonderful to walk around classrooms this week during Bastille Day and see students dressed up and engaged in the day's activities. This was a fantastic day of French cultural immersion. Thank you to our classroom teachers, support staff, and in particular, Mr Paul for their hard work in making this event a success.

Miss Caitlin announced the winners of our Term 2 Proud Port Points at assembly on Monday. Congratulations to our junior winners 1DE, our senior winners 6AB and our overall winners Prep AB who will enjoy their whole class prizes in the next couple of weeks.

In our staff room

Term 3 is an important time in our workforce planning process as we begin to establish and fill the workforce profile for next year. This process started this week with interviews for Learning Specialist roles and I'm thrilled to share that Jo Capp and Paisley Blank have been successful in their application for their roles. These positions will be an important part of our school's leadership team, leading our transition to more explicit teaching practices supported by the Science of Reading. 


Please join me in congratulating Jo and Paisley on securing these roles. This was a competitive process with a high number of internal and external applicants for the positions.


With these positions now filled, we will move onto appointing other teaching and leadership roles in line with our workforce profile requirements for 2025.

In our community

Term 3 has many exciting community events, including dress-up days for students and our school trivia night. Many thanks to the wide range of parents involved in the PFA who support these events. Your involvement is invaluable and greatly appreciated.


A final reminder about Prep 2025 enrolments, if you have a child due to start next year and are yet to submit an enrolment form, can you please do so ASAP?


Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our school community.