Classroom News 


Our Foundation students are enthusiastically learning about addition and subtraction. They use whiteboards to demonstrate their understanding, allowing them to visualize problems and find solutions. Keep up the great work Foundation! 


Year 1

This term, we have a new addition to Year 1... Ziggy! Ziggy is our new furry friend. Ziggy will be joining us for adventures each week as our special class pet. Every Thursday, Ziggy will go home with a different student, spending the weekend exploring new places and creating memories. During Ziggy's stay, students will have the opportunity to write about their adventures in a journal and capture photos of their time together. On Monday, we'll gather to share our stories and pictures with the class, learning about all the fun Ziggy had. 

Ziggy has already spent some time with Ann, Sandra and Amanda. Let the adventures begin with Ziggy in Year 1!

Year 2/3

Hello Families,

It has been a great start to the Term. Parent Teacher meetings have been FANTASTIC to touch base and celebrate the growth and progress your child has made. We have been busy with art lessons. Thanks to Rose Lee and her amazing talent the children have created a masterpiece outside our room. This artwork is to generate conversation about what the children wish for their future. Be sure to ask them about it. 

Stay safe and warm. 


Year 3/4

Acrostic Poems


Despicable Me By Arvin



Exchanging guns for bananas

Some minions like being reckless

Powered super minions

I liked the movie

Cool graphics

Awesome fights

Banana lovers that will do anything for a banana

Looks awesome

Energetic minions


Machines that are AWESOME

Explosive bombs and secret agent gear. 


Bubble Tea by Chloe 



Unbelievably yummy

Boba has lots of toppings

Best tea ever


Exceptionally delicious



Everything is yummy

All for everyone. 

Year 4/5/6    Confirmation

The senior students have been preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation, which takes place tomorrow night at 7pm. We would love to see as many people there as possible to help celebrate the last Sacrament of Initiation into the Church, Confirmation. It has been a special time leading up to this Sacrament and I know the students will be filled with the Holy Spirit and continue to grow in their faith journey. 

Katelin, Year 5
Katelin, Year 5
Maxie, Year 5
Maxie, Year 5
Lauren Year 5
Lauren Year 5
Jacob Year 6
Jacob Year 6
Jasmine Year 5
Jasmine Year 5
Onella Year 6
Onella Year 6
Harper Year 6
Harper Year 6
Roman Year 5
Roman Year 5
Isabella Year 5
Isabella Year 5
Aleisha Year 5
Aleisha Year 5
Fortunato Year 6
Fortunato Year 6
Gail Year 5
Gail Year 5
Glendon Year 6
Glendon Year 6
Allie Year 5
Allie Year 5

Writing / Inquiry

As part of out Term 3 Inquiry unit, the students are designing, creating and publishing their own picture story 'My Place', based on a picture story book of the same title.

Here are some drafts (an important part of the Writing process!!)

