Calendar of Events 

Beginning 19th Jul, 2024

JULY 2024 
Wednesday 24thNetball Victoria School Championships
Friday 26th

World Day for Grandparents Morning Tea 9.30am following 

Prayer Gathering

Tuesday 30thRed Rock Gallery NAIDOC Exhibition Yr 5/6
Wednesday 31st100 Days of Prep Celebration
AUGUST 2024 
Thursday 1stWrite a Book in a Day
Friday 2ndPupil Free day
Thursday 8thPrep - Yr 2 swimming program begins
Thursday 15thFeast of the Assumption of Mary
Tuesday 20thPupil Free day
Saturday 24thEucharist & Confirmation celebrations
Sunday 25thEucharist & Confirmation celebrations
Thursday 12thSchool Production 
Wednesday 18thYr 5 Anglesea Camp
Thursday 19thYr 5 Anglesea Camp
Friday 20thLast Day of Term 3, 2.15pm finish