Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Like Jesus
Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Like Jesus
The home reading program will finish on Friday to allow us time to sort out the reading boxes before the end of Term.
Acrostic poems to finish off our formal learning of poetry, a simple and easy way to identify key words and phrases associated with a specific topic. An acrostic poem is a poem in which certain letters of each line spell out a word, name, or phrase when read vertically. We started by using our names as a prompt, and have graduated to stars, animals and self-chosen topics. The best thing about acrostic poems is their length, which is easily achievable for all students- although CHARLOTTE did have a seemingly unfair number of letters in the name.
Money is still being investigated, with crayon rubbings of the play money proving a very popular activity. Working our which money is worth 'more' has been an involved discussion, with many students understandably thinking the 50c is worth the most due to its size. But once the gold coins appeared, things became much clearer. It turns out gold coins are a very desirable commodity in the Foundation room, trumped only by the Tooth Fairy once leaving a lucky student "a 5 dollar".
Students are learning to recognise Australian coins, and will use play money in pretend transactions to 'purchase' items in the classroom. Students will also revise a new game "MathemaTic- Tac- Toe", another super game from the Love Maths website.
"We Celebrate Christmas' is the final topic for the year. It is broken into two parts, an in-depth look at Advent, a season of waiting, and then we explore the events of Jesus' birth.
We have been practising diligently for the Nativity Play, with things coming together beautifully. The best part about the Foundation Nativity play is that even if every single student gets stage fright, messes up the actions, forgets some words or even trips over- they are still going to get by on cuteness. Just another reminder about the costumes- do not stress! If your child is an animal character, we will make face masks next week. We can also make the King's crown, and the star for our star to hold. Everyone else can wear whatever they think will work, it really doesn't matter.
We begin our swimming program next week- with Tuesdays and Thursdays the allocated days for Foundation lessons. Boys will get changed in the Mercy Centre, and girls in the classroom- for the first week anyway. I dare say there will need to be a swap so that everyone gets 'a turn' in the Mercy Centre. Melinda Watson has sent out the timetable and the required items for these lessons, so please make sure you read it. We will be on a very tight time frame on swimming days- we finish lessons at 2:45pm and need to walk back, get changed and pack bags before 3:15pm. One thing that will make this task easier is if everything is labelled. Please make sure your child's clothing is clearly marked so we can avoid any possible discussions about who owns the one green sock/pair of undies/ towel that has been left on the floor.
Holiday work
I have had a few parents asking what they should be doing over the holidays with their children. The first thing is relax- the students have had a very full year of learning and are definitely tired. So are their parents. But should you still be looking for something to do after the Christmas season, my answer is always going to be 'read'. 6 weeks is a long time not to use a skill, and it is very common for students to slip back a few reading levels over a long break when they don't practise. This is not a problem, but if you get the chance to hear your child read occasionally, take it. A bed time story is also another way to reinforce reading skills when children hear a competent reader read- plus it is a lovely way to end the day. And if you don't get a chance to do anything at all, don't worry. This is simply some suggestions for those parents looking for ideas.
EVENTS/ TIMETABLE- it's a busy few weeks...
Swimming- Tuesdays and Thursdays
Whole School Concert Practice- Monday 11th (morning block)
Junior Unit Party- Monday 11th (middle block) We are going to walk to the Lion's Park with Yrs 1/2 classes, play games, have Zooper Doopers, maybe a packet of chips, and walk back to school. This is our Christmas Break Up, and we will provide everything. Permission has been granted through the Local Excursion form you have all signed earlier in the year.
School Concert- Monday 11th 6pm on the Oval.
Statewide Transition Day- Tuesday 12th December, 10-11am
Movie afternoon - Whole School- Wednesday 13th December (Mercy Centre)
End of Year Mass- Friday 15th December. St John's Church12.30pm
Whole School Assembly- Friday 15th December. 2.45pm
Student's last day Friday 15th December. 3:15pm
Thank you
Finally, a huge thank you to everyone for what has been a fantastic year. Whilst it was a surprising start to the year, it has nevertheless been a fabulous 12 months, and this is due to the wonderful students I have been lucky enough to teach, plus the excellent support I have received from their parents. Not one day has gone by when Damien and I have not had the chance to laugh out loud at something said, marvel at the huge progress our students have made, or scratch our heads over a completely random fact that has been shared at completely the wrong time.
I wish you all a safe and happy holiday, and a very Merry Christmas. Take time to relax and refresh over the break, and get ready for all the fun and challenges that await in 2024.
Sally and Damien