Important Notices

Curriculum & TPPD Day Reminder


We will be having our final student-free day of the year on Friday 24th November - which is a Teacher Professional Practice Day.


Team Kids will be running a full day program for any families requiring childcare. 

Roof Repair Works

Whilst our original 1882 school building is a heritage-listed gem of Victorian Gothic school design, it is fair to say that parts of it have seen better days. It is also clear that, during the design process, ease of access for maintenance was not high on the list of priorities.


Over the years, the beautiful slate roof has fallen into a poor condition with many missing and cracked tiles as well as a series of rusted gutters and failing flashing. Sadly, this has led to water ingress and damage internally as the roof is no longer doing its job.


Addressing this situation with the small amount of maintenance funding that we are given each year is impossible as even to access the roof safely requires tens of thousands of dollars worth of scaffolding.

Built for beauty, not convenience...
Built for beauty, not convenience...

Luckily after a few years of pressure and working with the Education Department and the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA), money has been found to fully replace the slate roof.


As you can imagine, this project is far from easy and straightforward and will involve a level of disruption to the operations of the school for its duration.


Whilst we are still negotiating with the appointed contractor and the VSBA around how this will work, the project will most likely involve;


  • A timeline of works starting in December of this year and lasting until May 2024
  • The job will be tackled in three stages with the school (including the bell-tower) needing to be fully surrounded in scaffolding as old slates are removed, timbers repaired, sarking laid, gutters replaced, water damage repaired & new slates and flashings installed.
  • Impact on access to the school at various points as well as periods of noise and disruption.
  • Loss of access to some of our upstairs (Year 1/2) classrooms on a rolling basis during this time. This will require us to get creative and use other spaces around the school to accommodate these classes and ensure that learning and connection is not negatively affected.

We will keep the community updated as further details are confirmed and we will look forward to having a beautiful new, water-tight roof in the middle of next year.

Foundation Transition

This morning also saw the first transition session with our new 2024 Foundation students.


We loved welcoming our 52 new Foundies, along with their families to SKiPPS for the first time.


The students did an incredible job, working with our 2024 Foundation team of Jac, Natalie and Jess B. They listened to stories, participated in play-based learning time and drawing, played on the playground and enjoyed making new friends. 

Year 6 Graduation

As we approach the final month of the school year, we are facing up to saying farewell to our graduating Year 6 students who are getting ready to make the move to secondary school in 2024.


Our formal graduation ceremony will take place in the quadrangle on the evening of Thursday 14th December, from 5pm until 7:30pm. 


Formal invites will be sent home to Year 6 families in the coming days and we ask that you register your attendance and let us know by completing the RSVP Google Form that will also be sent home. 

Foundation & Year 1/2 Parent - End of Year Party! 

Get your babysitters locked in and your dancing shoes on! It’s celebration time  💃🏼 💃🏼 💃🏼 Tickets include 2 drinks and light food plus an awesome guaranteed dance floor.  

Get in quick as the first 20 tickets purchased will receive a BONUS drink voucher.  

Click here to purchase your tickets now!