Learning and Teaching 

Mathematics Intensive Partnership with MACS


Dear Parents,


As our two year partnership with MACS learning consultants comes to an end, the effective teaching strategies will continue to be embedded and the positive impact of the partnership will continue to be evident throughout the school.  


Here is a snap shot of the progress  in Mathematics over the past two years:

  • Consistency in F - 6 planning documents
  • Defining implementation of mental strategies
  • Delivery of learning progressions, curriculum and key ideas
  • Collaborative planning for staff in teams
  • Increased student engagement in Mathematics
  • Growth in PAT-M data
  • Mental strategies are being explicitly taught at each year level and each year level have a documented plan for when strategies are taught mapped to yearly overviews
  • Mental strategies Task Bank has been created
  • Refining a  mental strategies tracking tool to monitor student progress 
  • NAPLAN growth in Mathematics - 2023 Year 3 students NAPLAN mean was the highest of all MACS schools in the Southern Region of Melbourne

As a staff we are committed to continue to provide;

  • Collaborative planning - all teachers involved in the planning of each area
  • Use data to target instruction 
  • Unpacking the Victorian Curriculum Mathematics V2.0
  • Parent engagement -  assisting parents to support their children to practise mathematical strategies at home


Here are some highlights from our students in Mathematics :


I have enjoyed learning different strategies to problem solve. Oliver 

I have loved to be challenged when learning about multiplication and division. Sigi

I have enjoyed learning different strategies in counting. Coco

I have enjoyed counting by twos and using doubles to problem solve. Ned

I like playing the warm up games with dice and making arrays. Alaaky

My favourite strategy to use in problem solving is the jump strategy. Hazel 

I have learnt to count backwards from any number. Goldie

I have liked learning about sharing. Annika

I enjoy playing maths games with dice. Izzy

I have enjoyed being challenged in my thinking in mathematics. Seb

I have enjoyed learning the split strategy in multiplication and it has helped me solve maths problems. Harry

I have enjoyed learning about the four operations and different strategies to solve problems.  James B


Megan Barber
