Parent Association

AGM Outcomes
The Parent Association held their AGM on Thursday 16th November. Congratulations and thank you to the following people that were officially voted in to form the PA Committee for 2024.
President: Diana David
Secretary: Lara Graham
Treasurer: Lucy Tverdolov
Registered Committee Members/Office Bearers: Renae Pederson, Sallyanne Symonds, Natasha Schnabl, Chanmony Om, Danielle Yildar, Monica Vojjala and Lissett Prouting.
Ice Cream Day #2
The weather for Ice Cream Day 2 was wetter than we had hoped, but that did not stop the kids! Thank you to Diana David and Renae Pederson for running and organising the day. The kids loved it and your efforts are very much appreciated. Thank you also to the group of Year 5 students that helped out with the Year 3-6 sales.
Ice Cream Day #3 will be on Wednesday 13th December. All ice creams will once again be $2.
Pyjama Day
Monday 11th December is 'Wear your PJ's Day'! Please bring a gold coin to support the Early Act team that is fundraising to help raise awareness for the kids with Cancer Foundation.
2nd Hand Uniform
For those who wish to donate second hand uniform items to the school, can you please ensure all items are washed, the school logo is clear, there are no missing buttons, excessive permanent black marks, no tears and all names are blacked out. Thank you for your understanding.