Performing Arts

Narelle Vella
Performing Arts Coordinator
On Thursday 30th November the Year 2 members of the Kingswood Junior Choir walked to Jacks Avenue Kindergarten in their lunch break to sing some Christmas songs for the children.
These students have been rehearsing all term and were very excited to perform for the pre-schoolers. It was their first public performance outside of Kingswood and they sang beautifully.
I would like to thank them for their enthusiasm and commitment to our Junior Choir. Many of the students have participated in Junior Choir since Prep and I am looking forward to them joining our Senior Choir in 2024.
The Senior Choir also performed some Christmas songs for a different group of Jacks Avenue children today. They continue to be exemplary role models, demonstrating our school values of being Connected to Community and a Place to Shine. I am very proud of the students' dedication to attending all the lunchtime rehearsals and rising to the challenge of adding new songs to our repertoire in a very short timeframe. Their final performance will be at Greenwood Manor on Thursday 14th December, when they will be singing for some of the residents there.
Many thanks to Sharon Lomas who accompanied both choirs on our walks to the kindergarten and who will be taking the Senior Choir to Greenwood Manor in my absence.
Both choirs have had a very successful year. Congratulations to all of you on each of your performances. Have a wonderful festive season and I will see everyone at the start of Term 1, ready for some more fabulous singing and special events.