
Aaron Cox
Jasper Winning Photo
I would like to congratulate Jasper in Year Six for winning our Japan Tour photo competition earlier this year. His photo has been mounted on canvas and is now on display in the office area of the school. This will be on display for the school community until the end of the year before being moved to the Japanese room. I encourage all parents to come and have a look at his fantastic photo.
Dance party Thursday 14th Dec 4.30-7.00pm
We have a great end of the year function planned for all students and families. We will hold a dance party on Thursday 14th of December at 4:30 pm until 7 pm. We will be selling pizzas, ice creams and drinks from the kitchen. Weather permitting, we will use the front of the school in the junior area as a picnic area. Children accompanied by a parent will be able to attend any of our rooms set up for dancing. If there is no parental supervision, entry will be denied. Each room will have a different theme. We hope this is a great opportunity for the community to come together before the end of the school year.
Handover of New Gymnasium
At the moment, we are anticipating taking possession of the new gymnasium on the day of the dance party (14/12). If all things go to plan, we will also offer an opportunity for people to walk through the new facility. In the event that we do offer walk throughs, people will be asked to remove their shoes before entering the gym. There will be no exceptions because there will still be late works to done and we need to keep it as tidy as possible.
Black soled shoes
In preparation for protecting the gymnasium floor as much as possible, we request that students do not have black soled shoes for next year if using the gym. Guidance supplied to us from various other schools is that black soled shoes leave lots of marks on the floor requiring repairs. Most importantly, stiletto shoes will also be totally banned as repairs are extremely expensive. We will communicate and educate our community extensively next year about what shoes are appropriate for children and adults. If you are thinking about new sneakers for your children to wear to school, please refrain from black soled shoes.