Be SunSmart

SunSmart Victoria sends our strong warning, ‘Don’t Let Cancer In’

We all love spending time outdoors with friends and family, from the bush to beaches we are lucky to live in this beautiful state. However, being outdoors in Victoria means we’re exposed to some of the harshest and most dangerous levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the world.

Repeated exposure to sun’s UV radiation can cause skin cancer. When UV radiation hits our exposed skin, it causes damage to the cells’ genetic material also known as DNA. This DNA damage can evolve into skin cancer and have deadly consequences including spreading to vital organs like your lungs, liver and brain. 

But the good news is skin cancer is one of the most preventable cancers.

That’s why we’re sharing SunSmart Victoria’s latest skin cancer prevention campaign called, ‘Don’t Let Cancer In’, which highlights the risks of skin cancer and reminds Victorians of the importance of using sun protection when the UV index hits 3.

SunSmart’s new campaign, which runs over summer, is calling for Victorians to not let cancer in when they go out. As it is repeated exposure to the sun’s UV radiation which can cause skin cancer including the deadliest form, melanoma.

It’s during everyday activities, such as walking the dog or gardening, when people may not realise, they are still being exposed to UV. SunSmart is encouraging and reminding people when they go out to not to let cancer in.

Learn more about UV radiation and SunSmart’s new campaign at

When the index hits three, are you covering up to protect against UV?

SunSmart Victoria is calling for all Victorians to cover up this summer and are launching a new campaign called, ‘Don’t Let Cancer In,’ to remind all Victorians that when the index hits 3, it’s important to cover up from UV.

Repeated exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause skin cancer including the deadliest form melanoma, which can spread from your skin to vital organs.

Everyday outdoor activities like walking the dog or gardening can expose your skin to the sun’s UV radiation. The more the skin is exposed to the sun’s UV radiation, the greater the risk of skin cancer.

But skin cancer can be prevented. Cover your skin by wearing a hat, clothing, and sunglasses. Apply sunscreen to any parts of skin you can’t cover with clothing. Enjoy shady areas outdoors to give you extra coverage.

SunSmart is also urging all Victorians to check the UV level before they leave the house to determine when they need to cover up. The UV Index is a tool you can use to protect yourself from UV radiation. The UV Index divides UV radiation levels into:

  • low (1–2)
  • moderate (3–5)
  • high (6–7)
  • very high (8–10)
  • extreme (11 and above).

You can usually find the UV index in weather forecasts to help plan when you need to cover up when outdoors. You can also find UV levels on the SunSmart Global UV App, the BOM website or app and in your smartphone’s weather app. Before heading outdoors, check the UV and when it hits 3, cover up.

Learn more about UV radiation and how to cover up at