P & C News

Glow Disco

PPS P&C is hosting our annual School Disco.


Venue: School Hall


Date: Friday 24th November

Yrs K-2 - 6:15pm - 7:15pm

Yrs 3-6 - 7:30pm - 8:30pm


Dress code: Wear white, fluro or neon


Tickets: $8 (includes ice block)   

Ticket sales close 22 November

This event is open to current Peakhurst Public School students only




Tea towel update...

Thank you to all the families that purchased the tea towels. They have arrived and are in the process of being sorted into individual orders and will be distributed next week.

Thank you to Kylie for coordinating this fundraiser. The school has made over $1,000 in profit. 





DATE: Monday 23rd October, 2023


MEETING OPENED:             7:05pm


ATTENDEES:                          Sarah M, Jennifer H, Hayaat C, Andrea M, Kylie C, Kirby D, Karla W, Joyce Y 


APOLOGIES:                Karen G, Siobhan B, Elizabeth S


PREVIOUS MINUTES:             Emailed and accepted by the committee. 


CORRESPONDENCE:               August and September Westpac account statement; Swap It healthy lunchbox program information pack. Email: no significant emails. 



PRINCIPAL’S REPORT:              Presented by Karla 


Public address system

  • Public address system has been replaced indoors and outside. Two zones, so announcements can be done either internally/externally or both. 
  • Darren from Earworm, to meet with neighbours to talk through changes made; outside speakers have been strategically positioned to limit disturbance to neighbours.
  • New phone system to be implemented this term.

Building Works

  • In the next two weeks work will begin on replacing the roof on the old Kindy toilet block (which now houses the ride-on lawn mower), the staffroom roof and Attunga Preschool. 
  • Further work will be done internally in Attunga to replace the ceilings, windows along one side as well as the flooring in the classrooms. 


  • Concerns were sent through to Skoolsnacks with all the issues listed. 
  • Volunteers will be requested to help out 9.20am-12.20pm to assist Micki with lunch orders and serving at lunchtime, particularly when students need food made at the same time. 
  • School to put out letter/availability form to community; will look into whether OHS and/or WWC checks are required.

Staffing 2024

  • In the process of staffing for next year. Waiting on final numbers of students returning to determine staffing. So far, 82 Year 6’s leaving, and 48 new Kindy enrolments.
  • Students not returning in 2024 to let school know via leave application or letter. 

Opportunity Class 2024

  • 4 students have been offered positions at Hurstville; 1 reserve.

Yr 6 Farewell (Presented by Kirby)

  • Enquired if any funds available from P & C to help bring down cost of price. Usually receive financial assistance each year.
  • $1500 raised by Year 6s so far, with additional fundraising anticipated for upcoming Fun Day.
  • P&C agreed to donate $1200 for Year 6 farewell. 


Stage 3 Camp 2024

  • Discussion opened regarding parent sentiments towards Stage 3 camp.
  • Camp cost has risen to $400 pp (not including buses) at Narrabeen Sport and Rec. School is conscious about financial burden on parents; school plans no other excursions at all during the year in order to minimise cost to parents. 
  • Questions raised - Is it cost prohibitive each year for stage 3 parents? Do we change to go to camp every second year/yr 6 only? 
  • In 2023 - School supported families with financial assistance and covered the cost of buses ($4,600) so over $5,000 was supplemented. 
  • General consensus is that many kids in both Year 5 and 6 enjoy camp. P & C to ask other parents their feelings as to whether to continue with camp for the whole of stage 3 each year, or year 6 only each year. 



PRESIDENT’S REPORT:           Presented by Sarah 


Winter Sport Shirt

  • Sample designs of long-sleeve sport shirt from Claudine’s handed out for perusal. Committee all requested that design be amended to 2 blue sleeve cuffs (as opposed to one white, one blue); design approved otherwise.
  • Stock should be ready for early next year.


Referendum Cake Stall

  • $1440 raised in total. Big thank you to the whole school community for their generous and delicious donations of baked goods.
  • Thank you to Sarah Jones (who was there early and had set up all the tables), Elizabeth Saran, Jenny Goddard, Karen Gambian, Cara Hickman, Renee Young, Sarah Marinovic, Andrea Morgan, Angelina Lu, Kim Thai, Irene Mahoney. Thanks also to Siobhan Beavis for helping with the planning, and to Hayaat Choker for helping source the cake boxes. 



  • Invitations and booking details will be sent out next week.



  • Discussed that disco timeline is very tight as need to fit in both age groups, leaving very limited time for switchover between the groups. Very challenging to fit a raffle during the night.
  • Suggestion to make it a Christmas raffle instead; committee all agreed to proceed with this.


Tea towels

  • Huge thank you to Kylie for organising tea towel fundraiser.
  • Kylie updated that there are 52 orders so far. Minimum order is 50 for each tea towel.
  • Sarah will set up a Trybooking system to facilitate online ordering. 



TREASURER’S REPORT:          Prepared by Jennifer




Nominations for local council Traffic Black Spot Program funding 

  • Suggestions: intersection of Bailey Pde and Collaroy Ave is especially dangerous when drivers attempt U-turn during peak pick up and drop off times. Will suggest for No U-Turn at intersection sign (during peak school drop off pick up hours) at intersection of Bailey Pde, Collaroy Ave.
  • Greenlands Ave: Kiss and Drop parking is situated on the opposite side of the road (kids need to cross the street to reach the school gate). Will suggest for Greenlands Ave Kiss and Drop parking to be reverted to kerbside adjacent to school gate.
  • Kiss and Drop Parking along Bailey Pde gate (turning in from Bonds Rd) also problematic when some drivers do not abide by common courtesy and cut in line. School will monitor and kindly ask all drivers to exercise safety, courtesy and respect towards others. 




The next P&C meeting will take place on Monday 27th November, 2023 at 7pm in the Gumbuya Centre. A notice will be placed in eNews.


MEETING CLOSED:     8:05pm