Principal's message

Ms Lawson retiring

As you would have all seen through Class Dojo or School eNews, Ms Lawson will be retiring as of the first day of Term 1, 2024.  


As a school community we will be acknowledging and recognising Ms Lawson's time here at Peakhurst Public School with a special assembly to be held on Friday 8th December at 9.30am in the school hall. 


All parents are warmly invited to join the students and staff thanking Ms Lawson for her dedication and commitment to our school over the last 5 years. 


I include her message to the community below, as well as the letter following on from the Georges River Network Director, Ms Joanna French. 


Dear Parents and Caregivers


I am writing to let you know that after 45 years as an educator, 12 as a principal, I have decided to retire. My last day with the DEC is 29th January 2024. 


My leave has helped to guide my decision and has given me the opportunity to ponder what this change will mean and how I will manage not having a working role attached to my name. It is really a double-edged sword.


I have had a wonderful 5 years as the principal of Peakhurst Public School and over that time enjoyed a fabulous community of students and families. I miss that daily contact very much.I have worked with some great people on our P&C who willingly put their hand up to ensure that all students had the extras that made learning at Peakhurst enjoyable. We achieved a great deal, and they were universally so lovely to deal with.


The staff at Peakhurst are a special team and I have been proud to work alongside them. The care they show to students is second to none. Their dedication to their work is truly admirable. Teaching is a tough gig and when you throw in a pandemic, flexibility becomes the name of the game. Peakhurst teachers are masters at pivoting with a smile!


As you know, this year I became a Nanma. Jai is happy and delightful and is growing so quickly. I want to spend time with him while I watch him grow. Often my sons didn’t get the best of me because of my work; I don’t want to miss out on anything with my grandson.


I have travelled a little this year and have a couple of trips planned for 2024. I have tried to play golf and I have been doing things I didn’t have the time to do when I was working.


Ms Wilson and Ms Schafer have led the school this year with wisdom, kindness, and dedication. I thank them for their work, their commitment, and their educational leadership.


Shortly you will receive a letter from Ms Joanna French, Director Educational Leadership, to explain the processes involved in appointing a new principal.


Warm Regards

Sally Lawson

Retiring Principal

Peakhurst Public School.




Dear students, staff, parents, carers and community members


I write to provide you with advanced notice about the leadership arrangements for Peakhurst Public School for Term 1, 2024. Ms Sally Lawson, Principal, Peakhurst Public School has confirmed she will be relinquishing her position and separating from the NSW Department of Education at the end of January 2024.


Ms Karla Wilson has agreed to continue as Acting Principal at Peakhurst Public School throughout Term 1, 2024 while the appointment process for the new substantive Principal of the school is carried out.


I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Ms Lawson for her high calibre educational leadership of Peakhurst Public School over the last five years. Ms Lawson’s dedicated legacy to all students, staff, parents and wider community members will be greatly missed.


As a recognised Principal in the Georges River Principals Network, Ms Lawson has demonstrated her unique ability to connect people and bring out their best qualities so that students’ interests are always at the heart of her decision making.I am sure you will all join me in wishing Ms Lawson all the very best in her future endeavours as she enters another phase in her life.


I hope Ms Lawson can now spend some additional time travelling and pursuing her own interests, as well as enjoying family time with her sons and grandson.


If you would like further clarity about anything in this written correspondence, I can be contacted at the Riverwood Education Office by telephone on 9408 8900.


Yours sincerely

Joanna French

Director, Educational Leadership

Georges River Principals Network

14 November 2023


Public Speaking success!

On Tuesday Larry and Hillary represented our school and the Georges River Network at the Public Speaking Grand Final for Sydney Performance South. Both spoke incredibly and the standard of the speakers was very high. Mrs Patterson attended the Stage 2 finals and was blown away by the confidence and maturity of the students. Hillary's prepared and impromptu speeches were amazing and we are all so proud of her. 


Congratulations to Larry who won the Early Stage One competition. What a sensational speaker! He was the stand out of the competition and his speeches, both prepared and impromptu were a testament to his confidence and preparedness. The smile below says it all...

Future planning

At this time of year, schools are very busy finalising planning details for the upcoming year. In order to assist with the planning process, we need to ensure our student information is accurate. Teaching and non-teaching positions are determined by enrolment numbers each year. In order for us to staff the school appropriately for 2024, we need to know as soon as possible if your child will not be at Peakhurst Public School next year. If you intend on moving and changing schools, please let our school office know. 


Additionally, if you intend on taking extended holidays during the summer holidays and will not be returning on Day 1, Term 1, 2024. You will need to complete an extended leave application by Week 10, Term 4, 2023. 


Mrs Wilson

Relieving Principal