A message from David 

Principal's Report

Pizza Day

I am thrilled to share some wonderful news with you! Our students have achieved their first whole school reward as part of our school-wide positive behavior support initiative. This is a momentous occasion that calls for celebration and recognition of their remarkable efforts.

To commemorate their achievement, our students have collectively earned a Hot Food Day. We are taking this special day to a whole new level by firing up our pizza oven! The tantalizing aroma of freshly baked pizzas, using no other than Annie’s secret recipe, will surely fill the air, creating an atmosphere of excitement and unity.

Parents, family and friends are welcome to be part of the fun next Friday 24th November.  This is a great opportunity of connecting our community and sharing in the success of our students.

But wait, there's more! In addition to the delicious pizzas, we have lined up some surprises for our students. These surprises are a genuine reflection of their commitment to embodying the core values we hold dear at our school: compassion, courage, creativity, and ambition

It is truly heart-warming to witness our students displaying such dedication and enthusiasm towards fostering a positive and inclusive school environment. Their determination to uphold these values is a testament to their character and the exceptional guidance they receive from their teachers and families.

I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the parents and guardians for their unwavering support in nurturing these young minds. Your encouragement and guidance have played an integral role in shaping the exceptional individuals they are becoming.

Let us all come together on this special day to celebrate the achievements of our students. 


Working Bee

I am excited to announce that our highly anticipated working bee is just a couple of weeks away! This is a fantastic opportunity for our school community to come together and enhance our outdoor pride and experience.

We have a variety of jobs lined up for the day, including the construction of a greenhouse to complement our flourishing orchard. This addition will not only beautify our surroundings but also provide an engaging learning space for our students.

All parents and guardians are invited  to join us on Saturday 2nd December, any time between 10am and 1pm. Whether you have green thumbs, handyman skills, or simply a willingness to lend a helping hand, your contribution will make a significant difference.

Let's work together to create an outdoor environment that fosters growth, learning, and a sense of pride for our entire school community.


Student Leadership 2024

I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on an important event happening at our school - the selection process for the School Student Leadership team for the year 2024.

We are immensely proud of our students who have shown courage and ambition by nominating themselves for a position of responsibility. It takes great dedication and a desire to make a positive impact on our school and community.

Over the following weeks, candidates will be participating in various activities and interviews to showcase their leadership qualities and commitment to service. All students are encouraged to support their peers throughout this process.

The School Student Leadership team plays a vital role in shaping the school environment and promoting a sense of unity and pride among students. I are excited to see the passion and enthusiasm each candidate brings to the table.

I would like to extend our gratitude to all the students who have taken part in this selection process. Your willingness to step forward and make a difference is truly commendable.

Best of luck to all the candidates, and may this journey be one of growth, self-discovery, and a chance to leave a lasting positive impact on our school and community.


Prep Parent Information Evening

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for the success of the Prep Parent Information Evening last week. It was an invaluable event for families about to embark on their primary school journey.

I extend our heartfelt thanks to the Prep teachers who worked tirelessly to prepare an insightful session for parents. Their dedication and commitment to ensuring a smooth transition for our younger students is truly commendable.

I would also like to thank Camp Australia, our new out-of-hours care providers, for their generous support in supplying refreshments for the evening. Their presence added to the welcoming atmosphere and made the event even more enjoyable.

A special mention goes to our Year 5 students for warmly welcoming the attending families. Their enthusiasm and kindness were greatly appreciated by all. Additionally, I would like to acknowledge our School Captains, Charlie and Uki, for their excellent introduction to the evening, accompanied by our Prep superstars Nora and Brittany.

It is events like these that contribute greatly to building a strong school community, and I are grateful for everyone's involvement and support. On behalf of our staff, I look forward to continuing this journey together and providing the best possible educational experience for our students.


Happy Diwali 

Warmest wishes to all those who are celebrating Diwali, the festival of lights.  Diwali is an important event in our diverse community, and I want to acknowledge and appreciate the significance it holds for many of our students and their families. It is a time of joy, celebration, and the triumph of light over darkness.

May this Diwali bring you and your loved ones happiness, prosperity, and success. At Box Hill North, we value and embrace the rich cultural traditions of our students and their families. We encourage everyone to take this opportunity to learn more about Diwali, its history, and its traditions. Let us celebrate and appreciate the diversity that makes our school community so special.


Community Connections

Our senior students were treated to fine performances from our friends at Koonung Secondary College.  A great way to start Thursday, showcasing musical talent and pathways.  Thanks to the staff and students from Koonung for sharing your passion for music.

It’s a…?

Congratulations to Charlotte and Shaun who are expecting their first child next year.  Charlotte will continue to lead the Kindergarten until the end of Term 1, before taking Family Leave.  

