Key Dates & Reminders




Wednesday 22nd November - School Mass @ 9:30 am

Thursday 23rd November - Year 5 Excursion to Museum

Saturday 25th November - Community Mass @ 5:00 pm School Hall

Monday 27th November - Year 3 Excursion to ACMI

Tuesday 28th November - Year 5 & 6 Open Water Learning Excursion

Friday 1st December - Final Subway Lunch

Thursday 7th December - Year 2s & The School Choir Nativity Presentation 

Friday 8th December - Transition Sessions for Year 1 - 6 2024 Classes 

Thursday 14th December - Graduation Mass @ 7:00 pm School Hall

Friday 15th December  – End of Year 12:30 Students finish



Below are the beginning of the year dates for next year:

Monday 29th January - Staff resume & Office Open

Wednesday 31st January - Day 1 for Year 1 - 6 Students  NO PREP STUDENTS 

Thursday 1st February - Day 1 for Preps


Prep 2024 Rest Days

During these days there is NO SCHOOL for PREP students, teachers will conduct assessments of students and engage in curriculum planning.  

Wednesday 7th February 2024

Wednesday 14th February 2024

Wednesday 21st February 2024

Wednesday 28th February 2024

Wednesday 6th March 2024 


Families wishing to end the year early to commence family holidays are asked to contact the office to complete documentation which outlines your expected return dates to school. This is vital also for families who may not be back from the commencement of the 2024 school year. Clear communication enables us to ensure all enrolment placements can be held with confidence. 


Families should also be aware that the first weeks of the school year are an important time whereby your child becomes familiar with their new classmates, teacher and the routines of the new class. Families should think carefully about these impacts before booking extended holidays.



On Thursday 7th December, some members of our St John’s School Choir in conjunction with our Year 2s will be presenting the Nativity Story.  Parents are invited to attend one of 4 performances throughout the day.  Two performances will occur during school time, with the other two performances occurring later in the day. All parents will be sent a booking form link in the week prior to these presentations, so they can secure up to 6 seats. We are very excited to gather as a school community to celebrate the festive season and recall the meaning behind Christmas, which is to remember the birth of our Saviour, Christ.  


Yesterday our Year 2 students and the Choir members, received an Operoo notification outlining the details of the four Nativity Performances.  In order to finalise the number of students participating on stage, parents who received this notification are required to acknowledge the form by this Friday.



The final date for payment of outstanding  2023 school fees was last Friday 17th November.  Please contact the school office if you still need to finalise your family payment. 


Current school families were sent the Direct Debit Forms for next year, last week.  A reminder these forms need to be returned by 1st December to ensure the your preferred payment schedule can be set up fully prior to the first payment date.  Thank you once again to all the St John’s families for your continued support.