Christmas Eve Mass
Each year the Parish hosts a special Christmas Day Mass on Christmas Eve and we are asking for parents (or older teenage siblings) to volunteer to assist on the evening. This involves helping with the activity in which children dress as characters from the Nativity scene and process into the church during the Gospel. There is normally one practise session in the week before Christmas, in the Church. All the costumes etc are provided by the school. If you are able to assist with this please let me know. Thank you in advance!
Hallow Advent
It might be hard to believe but the beginning of Advent is only days away, starting Sunday 3 December!
This year we are inviting everyone to take on the Advent #Pray25 Challenge with C.S.Lewis.
Hallow, a Catholic prayer and meditation app, will be journeying through the powerful writings of C.S. Lewis, author of the Chronicles of Narnia and one of the greatest Christian apologists of all time. With excerpts from Mere Christianity, The Four Loves, and more, the #Pray25 Challenge will guide you through prayer, reflections and meditations leading up to Christmas.
Hallow is the #1 Catholic pray and meditation app in the world. It includes prayers specifically written for families, kids, podcast-style talks answering questions of faith, mental health meditations, music, sleep content and more. There are over 10,000 unique sessions available on the app, and a free version which has over 1,000 sessions. No time? Sessions range from one to 60 minutes long!
Hallow is designed so that no matter where you are on your faith journey, you will find something to help you connect with God. It is a tool that will make prayer easy - and if you don’t really know where to begin with prayer, Hallow can help!
For full access to Hallow, including the Advent #Pray25 Challenge, scan the QR code then follow the signup instructions. Enjoy the free trial of the full unlocked version this Advent and cancel anytime.