Principal's message

Welcome Back
I would like to start by welcoming everyone back to school for 2024 and in particular, I’d like to welcome our Preps and new students to the school.
The sense of excitement is always palpable and it was lovely to see our multi-purpose room packed with Prep families on Tuesday, making the most of what will no doubt be a treasured memory.
Hopefully our families made the most of the holiday break and our students are refreshed and ready to learn :)
Day 1
The first day of the school year was a great success, with students from P-6 settling in exceptionally well. I would like to thank the staff for making the students feel so at ease, but also acknowledge the work that was put in last year during the transition program. Our students have hit the ground running, which is exactly what we were hoping for! It was also wonderful to see so many parents in and around the school and we hope that this continues! As the week has unfolded it is already business as usual and the students are getting on with learning!
Welcome Back BBQ
On Wednesday next week from 2:30-4:30pm if you are available, we’d love to see you at school to welcome you back 😊
Wednesday will see an extended lunch break, a BBQ and a chance to catch up with our staff and the community.
School buses will be running as per usual time.
Parents and Friends
Once again we call for interested parents who would like to be a part of the PFA in 2024. Thank you to those who have made contact, but if any other families would like to be involved or new families, we would love to hear from you. Prior to our Welcome Back BBQ we will run a short meeting from 2-2:30pm to discuss fundraising events for 2024, as well as the Polwarth Sports Day.
Assemblies will take place at the commencement of the day on each Monday morning in the multi-purpose room. The families of students who will be receiving Awards will be notified in advance if you are available to attend. All families are welcome to attend weekly:)
Lost Property
We have a range of lost property items from 2023. These are located in the main office on the left hand side.
All items that remain on Friday 9th of Feb will be spread out on the outdoor tables and available to purchase for a gold coin donation.
All clothes that remain will be offered to individual families or donated to charity.
Child safety and wellbeing at Alvie Primary School
Information for families and the school community
Alvie Primary School is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe. Our child safety and wellbeing policies outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students:
As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at Alvie Primary School we welcome and encourage your feedback. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our child safe policies and practices, please contact our principal on 035234 8256 or via email