Highlights of the Week 

Knox Basketball Clinic 

Last Wednesday Knox Basketball ran a basketball clinic at Holy Saviour for all students with lots of fun activities and giveaways. Thank you to the team at Knox Basketball for arranging such a fun day!

Holy Saviour's Got Talent Assembly

Last Wednesday  we held our inaugural Holy Saviour's Got Talent Assembly. We were blown away by the level of talent and skill of our amazing children. We heard jokes, were told riddles. saw gymnastics and lego displays and listened to some wonderful music. Thank you to all children who were brave enough to get up and share their talents with us!

Holy Saviour Veggie Patch

Our Holy Saviour Veggie patch is thriving!  Last week the SLC children had an opportunity to sample the healthy delights of the garden by making some delicious salads...

 Hot Dog Day

Unfortunately due to the poor weather on Wednesday we were unable to hold the Slime Spectacular School Fun Run. This has now been rescheduled to Monday 11th December, 2.30pm.  The children were still able to enjoy a delicious hot dog, muffin & slushie lunch. A big thank you to Denise Konstantinou for arranging the lunch and to Belinda Saville, Narelle Diamandis, Bridgett O'Regan and Fran Byrne-Dimos for helping out on the day.