Junior School Council

Updates & Events

Zooper Dooper Week Success

Zooper Dooper week was a HUGE success! A big thank you to everyone who brought some money to get themselves a Zooper Dooper. The money we raised from this week will go towards supporting Kylo Montgomery's soccer endeavours. Kylo was selected as part of a Talent Identification Program for the Victoria State Futsal Team to compete at the 2024 National Club Championships. It’ll help him pay for players kit, state gear training costs, tournament costs and coach and manager costs. Well done Kylo, we are so happy to be able to support your talents!

Zooper Dooper DAY - Last day of school!

Next Tuesday, on the last day of school we will be having one final sale of Zooper Doopers. Once we sell out, THAT’S IT! So bring $1 for your last day of school treat. After all your hard work this year, you deserve to treat yourself.


It has been a big year of events from us this year and we are glad everyone has joined in and enjoyed the dress up days we've hosted. We have supported a lot of amazing causes this year such as Good Friday Appeal, Ballarat Soup Bus, Peter Mac Foundation and Stroke Foundation. We love being able to make a difference in our school community and wider school community. Your feedback from the survey has been helpful in shaping what JSC will be like next year! Thank you.