Inclusion & Engagement 

Staying Safe Online over the Holidays

With our big break approaching it's important to ensure your child/children are staying safe online. Begin by having a discussion with your child/children about their online activities; what do they do? who are they spending time with? how often are they online? It's also important to remind them to see you about any issues they might have.


Setting up some clear guidelines will also help. Set up a family agreement around technology use, this will help your child/children to develop good habits around digital technologies. Think about what rules you will have around protecting themselves and others online. You may also want to create rules around what apps they can use or how long they spend using the device.


Some other things to consider when being online:

Protecting privacy - don't give out unnecessary details

Respecting others - being kind to friends online, just like in real life

Trusting feelings - seek help when something doesn't seem right

Questions - always question what you're seeing and hearing online? 


For more information, please visit the eSafety website.


Enjoy the holidays and stay safe online!