Principal's Report
Dear Parents and Carers,
Please see below the full staffing compliment for 2024.
2024 Staffing Schedule
Principal: Mr Pat Berlingeri
Deputy Principal /Learning Diversity Leader: Mrs Joelle Diakrousis
Religious Education Leader: Miss India Mitchell-Fletcher
Teaching & Learning / Literacy Leader Ms Jennifer Smith
Mathematics Leader: Mr Matt Hale
Sustainability / Learning Enhancements Leader: Mrs Liz Lamb
ICT Leader: Mr James Daidone
Wellbeing Leader Mrs Bridget Troup
Classroom Teachers:
Prep KA Kathryn Ady
Prep SM Stephanie Murnane
Prep ET Emily Thorley
YEAR 1BT Bridget Troup (Last)
YEAR 1CL Cathy Lansdowne
YEAR 1KP Kerrie Presnell
YEAR 2BL Bianca Latto
YEAR 2IL Ian Leach
YEAR 2MH Millie Harris
YEAR 3DB Daniel Bau
YEAR 3EP Eloise Pearson (Verstoep)
YEAR 3IM India Mitchell-Fletcher / Bianca Daidone
YEAR 4MS Maria Scalzo
YEAR 4IS Issy Simioni
YEAR 4MH Matt Hale
YEAR 5ID Isabelle Douglas
YEAR 5JD James Daidone / Ellie Connell
YEAR 5SB Sue Benoiton
YEAR 6EL Liz Lamb
YEAR 6BR Brodie Ross / Antoinette Corp
Specialist Roles:
Digital Technologies Brodie Ross
STEM: James Daidone
L.O.T.E. (Italian) Marianne Bassily
Performing Arts: Ann Earle
Physical Education: Colin Edwards
Visual Arts: Jennifer Brown
Psychologist: Monica Chester
Literacy Invention: Liana Mackay
Social Media Steph Murnane
Support Teachers: Dianne McNicholas, Jennifer Smith, Liana Mackay, Julianne Gibson.
Administration: Christine McMahon, Sarah Blaney
Finance: Ann-Louise Easton
Classroom Support Sarah Blaney, Megan Buck, Karen Beyrooti,
Lisa O’Connor, Kris Gleeson, Leanne Brown, Joanna Sison
Amanda Lalor, Renee Reed, Marley Cormick
Library Officer: Sarah Blaney
Groundsman: Danny Benoiton
Parents & Friends Meeting Dates for 2024
Please note the following P & F dates for your diaries:
Tuesday 13th February - 7:30pm
Tuesday 23rd April - 7:30pm
Tuesday 23rd July - 7:30pm
Tuesday 12th November - 7:30pm (AGM)
School Advisory Council Meeting Dates for 2024
Please note the following School Advisory Council dates for your diaries:
Wednesday 28th February - 7:00pm
Wednesday 15th May - 7:00pm
Wednesday 14th August - 7:00pm
Wednesday 6th November - 7:00pm (AGM)
School Fees and Charges for 2024
Please find attached below the school fees for the 2024 school year
Parent Data Feedback
My thanks to the 134 parents who completed the parent survey last week. This data will inform the decision making process for the next 12 months. Some decisions have been easy to make and have been actioned to begin next year. Others will take some time to investigate further via the School Advisory Council and the P & F. I will keep the communtiy appraised as we go further into the work. Please see below the collated data from the parent survey.
Some quick takeaways from the data is, that we will introduce swimming lessons next year (Swimming Lessons: Prep - Year 3, Swimming Lessons and Beach Program: Year 4 - Year 6) as well as a cybersafety parent session. Bike Ed training will be a part of the curriculum for Year 4 Students with further work to be done in investigating a possible camp for the Year 4 cohort later in the year. Some more investigations to be done in the Year 3 camp space as I do not feel we are ready as a communtiy to pursue this idea, and that is okay. Revisiting the Sex Education/Puberty Education program offered to parents and children out of school hours warrants further investigation as well as some school based protective behaviours sessions. Music Lessons will be offered after school as well as Taekwondo. I am really excited to put into action this valuable data for the St. Patrick's school community.
P & F Last day of Term Christmas Breakfast
The P&F would like to invite the whole school community of St Patrick's to our End of Year Breakfast! 7.30am onwards on the school basketball court
Please order your Egg and Bacon rolls $3.80 each through trybooking. ( Order as many as you would like)
The Try Booking Link is
Please have all orders in before Monday 11th December at 4pm
Look out for our special visit from Santa!!!
Specialist Timetable - Last week of Term 4
Please note that we will be running a modified specialist timetable during the last week of the term. Class teachers will notify parents of the changes this week.
School Murals
Work is progressing well on the new school murals. Alex Sugar our artist is expecting to be finished by the end of next week. Please find below some progress photos.
Chess Lessons
In 2024, we will be offering the following chess opportunities for the St. Patrick's Students. Lessons will be during Recess time in the Library. Bookings can be made via the following information:
Music Lessons
In 2024, we will be offering the following Music opportunities for the St. Patrick's Students. Lessons will be after school in the front meeting rooms. Bookings can be made via the following information:
nForma Parent Portal - School Reports
Dear Parents,
The St Patrick’s School reports will again be accessed electronically via nForma’s Parent Portal on Friday the 8th December 2023. You will be able to access the reports from 4pm via the link below and using your email address and existing password. You can reset your password if you have forgotten it. The link to the portal can also be found on the school website homepage.
If you are using a mobile device to log into the Parent Portal, please ensure your device is running the latest operating system/software and you have done all the system updates. If you have difficulty logging into the Portal, please try using a computer.
All NEW families who have started at St Patrick’s in Semester 2 2023 will receive an automated email from with your username (which is your email address you have provided to the school) and a temporary password to log in. If you do not receive an email from nForma, please check your ‘Junk’ or ‘Spam’ folder.
This will be the final newsletter for 2024.
God Bless
Pat Berlingeri