Principal's Update

We wish our whole community a happy, safe, relaxing Christmas and holiday break with lots of memories created with family and friends.
We can't wait to return in 2024 with lots of exciting programs happening including;
- The Resilience Project
- The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program, to name a few
Thank you, thank you, thank you:
- to our WMPS community - all our families
- to our School Council
- to our amazing staff- teachers Andrew, Ben, Daniel, Jess, Nicole, Mandy, Di ,
- Ed support: Agatha, Leyla and Karen and Clare & Hollie in the office and Emily in the library.
- to our breakfast club helpers
- to our School Council President Jen Coles
- to our incredible students. ---------- thank you for a fabulous year!
You are all quite amazing. I am so grateful for how welcome you have made me feel.
Some our highlights of this term include:
Grade 6 Graduation
The Grade 6 students have had a great couple of weeks - working with their buddies, making gingerbread houses, having a fun day going to the movies and then our Brownlow style Graduation night!
We wish each and every one of our Grade 6 students all the best in their high school journey.
Installation of the GAGA PIT
The grade 6 students worked with our Fundraising committee to gather the money needed to build a Gaga pit as a legacy project. Mr Elliot and Mr Noordhoff worked hard putting together the Pit with the students. Thanks to the families who donated bags of zopper doopers for us to sell to help raise the funds.
Everyone at WMPS is so grateful and is loving playing Gaga ball!
The Whole School Swimming program
Once again the Swimming program was a great success. It is extremely important for our little people to be as waterproof as possible coming into summer.
Christmas Carol Performances:
Mandy Dennehy led the students in the choir into two fantastic performances - one at Brandon Park Shopping Centre and the next day at the Weary Dunlop Retirement Village.
Well done to Shael for his solo piano performance to all the residents at the Weary Dunlop.
We even met Santa!!
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
The re - introduction of the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program is very exciting and we have already had a visit from Bunnings Notting Hill. Natalie brought seedlings and helped our Sustainability Team for 2024 plant them - we really appreciate the support from Bunnings and can't wait to be enjoying the crops!.
Our Farewells:
Mrs Nicole Evans - after 17 years at WMPS we are farewelling the wonderful Mrs Evans.
She has been a fantastic supporter of our school and an amazing prep /grade 1 teacher. We will miss her dearly but we also do understand that professionally it is good to spread your wings and experience other schools and seek new opportunities.
Mr Daniel Lewis - Daniel has been at WMPS for 7 years and had the honour of having taught almost every year level over that time. We will miss Daniel and his Literacy skiils as well as his extensive IT knowledge and skills. Again we acknowledge that its a great opportunity for Daniel to experience life in another school.
We wish both Nicole and Daniel every success going forward and acknowledge the fantastic job they have done shaping the young students of WMPS.
I wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas, have a wonderful break and re-charge ready for 2024!
Can't wait to see everyone back for a fantastic 2024!!