Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.



you give us peace.

As we light this candle

in your name,

we ask you to help us

share peace with family and friends

this Advent.




The second candle represents ‘peace'. Christmas is about celebrating the arrival

the birthday, of the Prince of Peace. Advent is about waiting, preparing, longing and working towards His return.


This week, as a Catholic school community, we celebrate the 2nd week of Advent. As a learning community our learners will be given the opportunity to reflect and unpack the scripture story.  We invite you to spend time with your family discussing Mark’s gospel and reflecting on how we can live out Mark’s gospel in our daily lives.  


A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark:

Make straight the paths of the Lord.

The beginning of the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It is written in the book of the prophet Isaiah: Look, I am going to send my messenger before you; he will prepare your way. A voice cries in the wilderness: Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight, and so it was that John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. All Judaea and all the people of Jerusalem made their way to him, and as they were baptised by him in the river Jordan they confessed their sins. John wore a garment of camel-skin, and he lived on locusts and wild honey. In the course of his preaching he said, ‘Someone is following me, someone who is more powerful than I am, and I am not fit to kneel down and undo the strap of his sandals. I have baptised you with water, but he will baptise you with the Holy Spirit.’

Christmas Carols

The St Fidelis' Christmas Carols celebration will take place on Thursday 14th December at 7.00 pm at St Fidelis church. Our children will be bringing the Christmas spirit to St. Fidelis with their wonderful singing of carols.  This evening will be a great way for our St. Fidelis' community to finish off 2023. Parents and Friends are organising a sausage sizzle beginning at 5.00pm. We invite all families to attend this joyous occasion. 

St Vinnies and St Fidelis' Christmas Appeal

Thank you to all the families that have donated to our St Vinnies Christmas appeal.  Please continue donating as your support is paramount in making this season a joyous one. All donations can be sent to the school no later than Thursday.  Once again I thank you for your kind generosity.

CatholicCare say Thank You

The following letter was sent to St Fidelis from CatholicCare in appreciation of what we do as a Catholic community to support people in need:


Dear Annette, as we reflect on the year that has passed, it is a wonderful time to say Thank you!  Thank you for your support and collaboration this year. We have worked with so many schools to teach about social justice, and to put mission in action through donations and appeals to support people in need. We cannot thank your school community enough for the ways you engaged with us this year! The health of our communities depends on the relationships we build. Your school community plays a vital role in helping us build thriving families and communities. We could not do it without you!


As we conclude yet for another year.  I wish you all a Holy and safe Christmas. Enjoy you time with family and friends and we look forward to 2024.


God Bless,

Annette Gasbarro

Religious Education Leader