Principal's Message

Mr Forrest

The End of 2023 is Close

A huge thank you to everybody's efforts in 2023, it has been an awesome year of learning and fun once again at Wedderburn College.   I would like to thank all staff members, students, parents and carers for supporting the College throughout the year.  Thank you also to our School Council for helping drive school improvements within the College.  It has been a year that will set us up for a very bright future ahead.  Too many individuals to thank but please know all your efforts do not go unnoticed. 



What an eventful couple of weeks, including camps, Santa (special thanks to Santa and his entourage, our local police) delivering books to all primary students and gifts for playgroup. Our swimming program, the opening of 'Christmas World Land', Foundation and Year 7 transition and all other important events and activities.  Oh what fun it is to be at Wedderburn College!

Big Announcement - for Wedderburn Community

Wedderburn College ELC - Early Learning Centre

It is with great pleasure to proudly announce Wedderburn College has been granted to be included in the next group of ten Early Learning Centre's across the state, this is also the first for Loddon Shire.  This is a big game changer for our community and wider district. We are waiting for more details to be shared with us.  The new Early Learning Centre will cater for 0–5 year old's. This will include long day care and integrated 3 and 4 year old Kinder programs, as well as providing space for child and family services such as Allied Health. 

Planning and design for the new Early Learning Centre will begin soon with representatives from the school playing a key role in this process. We look forward to sharing updates as they become available.  

Basically the  design work starts next year, construction in 2025 with an expected opening in early 2026!   It will be built at Wedderburn College, no decision on location as yet.   If you go online you can watch the announcement on WIN News Bendigo, listen to ABC Central Vic radio interviews and of course read the front page of the Loddon Herald this week.  


A huge thanks to the following: Chris Earl from Loddon Herald for all his publicity and support throughout, Wedderburn School Council, Department of Education Bendigo and Loddon Campaspe staff and most importantly the key drivers Kerry Walker, Maddi Postle, Rachel Elsmore and Tammy Steel who provided the motivation, enthusiasm and passion for the project 2.5 years ago.   We also acknowledge former state MP Louise Staley and current member Martha Haylett for being strong advocates for the 'Keep Families Local' campaign.   It is a 'game changer' for Wedderburn and district young families.   Thanks to all the families who participated in the impact statements, video messages and for rallying when required.  


Student Leadership School Opportunities

Over a week ago Miss Van de Wetering, Miss Milne and myself visited our six students who attended the 'Students for School Leadership' Alpine school at Dinner Plain in the high country.  The girls will hold a community movie night for their CLP (Community Learning Project) in 2024.  The young ladies have grown so much and thoroughly enjoyed the experience this term despite being so far away from home. 


We are proud to announce that in Term 1, 2024 we will have eight students attending the Don Valley School for Student Leadership.  The students will be away from home beginning week two of Term 1 2024, we know they will all have a magnificent time.  Students Pictured above.



Year 3/4 Camp and Year 9 Camp

Thanks to the students and staff who participated in the  Year 3/4 and Year 9 camps recently.  A great effort displayed by all students in the way everyone conducted themselves.  It was great for me being able to attend both camps for a few days last week. Year 10 students departed for Melbourne Camp today. We have once again provided an overnight experience for all students from Year 2 - Year 12.  A super effort everybody!!   A big thanks to all staff for volunteering  their personal time to provide  these experiences for our students. In modern times a lot of schools are cancelling these opportunities, however we are not at Wedderburn.  We believe in providing opportunities for all our students.   Looking forward to another round of school camps in 2024.  

Planning for 2024 - Fully Staffed

As you maybe aware, Victoria is experiencing the biggest teacher shortage in almost 40 years however, we are extremely happy to announce that we are fully staffed for 2024.  

We are committing to having two Year 7 classes for the first time in a long time and due to the larger than expected primary enrolment, instead of changing our classroom structure we are able to maintain our six primary classrooms and keep them under 18 students in every grade.  If you know if your circumstances may change at the beginning of the school year, please contact the school office or Homeroom teacher.   Students in primary will be sent out a classroom interview time for the first week back in 2024, this will include the classroom teacher/s that your child will have.  Our primary structure in 2024 will be:


Expected Size 

6 Classrooms



Mrs Tanya Chalmers



Mrs Rebecca Torney/Mrs Deirdre McKenzie

Year 2


Miss Mel Young/Mrs Maddi Postle

Year 3


Miss Mel Anderson

Year 4/5


Miss Eilish Flagg

Year 5/6


Mrs Carlie Turnbull

Last Friday we farewelled Miss Hannah Douglas (happy/sad news as we will have to wish Hannah all the best on Family Leave in 2024).   Miss Eilish Flagg has commenced work at Wedderburn as of yesterday and will continue into 2024.   Joining us next year, Charlie Braybrook will work in Humanities and English faculties.  Mel Young and Maddi Postle will share Year 2 classroom. We also formally welcome Education Support staff Mrs Jessica Polkinghorne and Daniel Pettifer to our team.  We would also like to wish Miss Hilary Mackay all the very best for her retirement. Hilary has been a long and dedicated teacher and involved community in Wedderburn for over 30 years.

All the very best to Morgan Ferguson who is travelling to USA for her forth coming wedding in January.   All the best to Mrs Jenny Ritchie and we thank her for her dedication in the English space over the past two years.

2023 End of Year Arrangements

Thursday 7th December-Year 6 Graduation invitations sent home.


Students' final day of formal classes will be Friday 8th December.  All school reports, books and lockers must be emptied and any other items will be sent home on this day with students. Please ensure your child/ren have extra carry bags on that day.


For the remainder of term, we have the following: 

Monday 11th-12th December-Activities Week Year 7-9.

Tuesday 12th December-Awards Night.

Wednesday 13th December-All School Pool Party. 

Thursday & Friday school clean up & last day of OHSC.

School reports will be handed out at Awards Night on Tuesday 12th December.  

Families who still require supervision of students can only do so on Thursday 14th December to Friday 15th December as teachers are involved in Professional Development, Berry Street Wellbeing and First Aid Training. Please refer to our yearly calendar, thank you for your cooperation and understanding. 



Have a safe and happy summer holiday break everybody,  I look forward to another exciting year of education at Wedderburn P-12 College in 2024!


All the best


Mr Forrest