From the Office

News From the Principal
Lynley Lightburn to Retire
It is with sadness that we say farewell to Mrs Lynley Lightburn. Lynley has worked at our school for many years and has seen lots of students through their primary years of schooling. Lynley's last day of teaching will be Friday December 9th. We will have a special morning tea for Lynley on this day and would love for anyone to join us for this occasion and to say thank you and to wish her well in her retirement. Please feel free to pop down between 10.45 and 11.30am for a cuppa and some morning tea.
Lisa Duffy will take the helm of the P-2 room for the remainder of the year and next year as well.
Summer Sports
The Campaspe Small School Cluster will be holding the Year 3-6 Summer Sports on Wednesday December 6th at Elmore Recreation Reserve. Students will be transported by car to and from the event. Please note that due to being away from mid morning until later in the afternoon, that it is NOT possible for the Year 3-6 students to order their lunch on this day. They will need a BYO lunch and a refillable drink bottle. A permission slip for this event in on uEducateus please log in and sign as only those students will consent will be permitted to attend.
Working Bee
We are hoping to see as many families as possible at our upcoming Working Bee- to be held from 10am on Saturday December 9th. Please bring along the following (if you have it) -
wheel barrow, shovel, cobweb brush (outdoor), work gloves (for personal use).
We will have a sausage sizzle lunch as a thank you to to those that attended the day.
As mentioned in previous newsletters, our main aim is to deconstruct the existing sections of the old playground and relocate the sand from the existing sandpit to the new area. We will also do a bit of general tidying up.
Graduation- Monday December 18th
Please return the RSVP slips and forward payment as soon as you can so we can finalise numbers for catering.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact myself or Bree.
School Council News
Our final meeting for the year will be on Monday December 11th at 5pm. Packs will be sent home to members the week prior to the meeting. Can I please ask that any apologies be provided to myself or Bree prior to the evening as it is important that we have a quorum (correct number of representatives) at the meeting.
Lunch Orders
An updated menu is available and will be sent home next week with the students; a copy is also on the last page of this newsletter. A reminder that lunch order day is Wednesday and that orders need to be in by 9am.
Big Day Out
We will be celebrating the end of the school year with a Big Day Out on Tuesday December 19th. This year we are heading to Echuca to enjoy some fun at Gravity Shack (an indoor trampoline and playground centre) and then hoping to go on a paddles teamer ride (I am waiting for the booking office to get back to me). The details regarding costs, travel and times will be published on uEducateus along with the permission form. I will text parents to let them know when it is up on the uEduateus site.
A reminder that the final day of Term 4 is Wednesday December 20th and students with an early dismissal on this day- at 1pm sharp (two hours earlier, instead of one, as it is the end of the year). The staff will be completing their First Aid Training CPR update from 1pm and will therefore be unavailable after 1pm on this day. If you are wanting to chat or just hoping to catch up with a member of staff before the end of the year, please note that after school Wednesday is not possible due to this training commencing at 1pm sharp.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy
News From Bree in the Office
School Student Broadband Initiative
The Australian Government has established the School Student Broadband Initiative to provide free home internet for up to 30,000 eligible families with school-aged students:
- The period in which a family can apply to receive a free service is up to 31 December 2024
- The duration of free services will continue until 31 December 2025 for all existing and new families.
- The initiative aims to boost education opportunities. NBN Co is leading the rollout of this initiative across the country.
How the School Student Broadband Initiative can help your child.
Children who can access online learning at home as part of their education are more likely to engage in classroom activities.
Access to fast internet at home can also support children to build their digital skills, learn how to safely use the internet and take part in a world that is more reliant on digital technology.
To be eligible, families must:
- have a child living at home enrolled in an Australian school.
- not have an active National Broadband Network (nbn) internet service at their home (having a mobile internet service does not affect eligibility)
- live in a premises that can access the National Broadband Network through a standard connection. NBN Co will check this for you after you apply.
- Not have had an active nbn connection during the previous 14 days*
- register interest with your school and complete a consent form to be assessed for eligibility.
- How the School Student Broadband Initiative works.
If you are eligible, your home internet service will be provided at no cost through until the end of 2025, with a participating internet provider on the National Broadband Network. Each internet provider has its own process to get you connected, which may involve you providing identification.
Once you sign up, the internet provider will help you set up your connection. The initiative does not include devices such as a computer or tablet. Other members of your household can use the internet service provided through this initiative.
The period of free internet will start from the day your service is activated with your chosen provider. At the end of the free broadband period, you will not be placed onto a paid service by your internet provider without your consent. The Australian Government is considering options beyond the free period.
If you could please let me know if this is something you think you would be eligible for, before Friday the 8th of December - I can arrange for all relevant documentation to be given to you,so we can have applications in before school ends.
Thanks Bree