What's Happening in Primary

News and Information from Primary

Orientation Day

What an incredible morning here at DCS Primary!


We are so thankful for a community of partnerships that prayerfully work together to see each student flourish to reach their full potential.

2024 Student Leaders' Speeches

Last Thursday, Primary students had the privilege of listening to Year 5 students impart their wisdom on the qualities that define a good leader. Presented below are some uplifting thoughts that were shared by our Year 5 students to the Primary audience. It is truly motivating to witness the perspectives our future leaders bring to the DCS community.


"A good leader is strong and courageous like Joshua in the Bible. A good leader is an example to others, perseveres, is positive, compassionate, loving and treats others the way they want to be treated."


"Ruth in the Bible showed what a true leader is by seeing how she could serve others above herself."


"Servant leaders put the needs of others first. They inspire you to do great work. Servant leaders will be distinctively different by listening, showing empathy, communication, kindness, patience, gentleness and always encouraging others to do the right thing and have integrity.


"A true leader is respectful and polite to students, teachers and the community."


"What does leadership mean? It's not just a word, but a call to action. You know the buddy bench in the playground? It says, "Be a leader not a follower".


Last week the two Prep classes went on an excursion to The Hive and the Dinosaur Park in Ulverstone. They had a wonderful morning exploring the science centre and building cars to race down the track, watching Tycho Goes To Mars, discovering constellations in the night sky and creating solar system collages. They then finished the day with lunch and a play at the Dinosaur Park.


Some of the Preppies favourite things were….

  • Making the planets collage
  • When Mrs McCulloch pushed us on the spinning thing
  • The Planetarium
  • Being on the bus
  • Watching Tycho Goes to Mars
  • The whole thing!

It has been a wonderful year of growth in Prep and this was a fun and rich learning experience for our students.


Mrs Prue McCulloch

Prep Team Leader

Primary Assemblies

As a school we are always excited to welcome families to our Primary Assemblies each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please be advised of some happenings at assemblies over the coming weeks:


Tuesday 12th December: Academic & Sports Assembly

On Tuesday 12th December from 8.30am in the JILOA Centre, we will be holding our annual Academic & Sports Assembly.


We will be presenting the subject awards for each level for 2023.


We will also be presenting certificates to all students who have participated in a team sport this year, including: basketball, netball, soccer and touch footy.


We warmly invite all team coaches, family and friends to attend this assembly.

Primary End of Term Events:

As the end of term starts to draw near we have some wonderful opportunities for you to join us to celebrate together as a community:


Monday December 4th - Year 6 Graduation service

For parents, guardians or special people of our Year 6 students. Event by invitation. Held in the Jiloa Centre.


We are looking forward to celebrating our Year 6s graduation on Monday 4th December from 1.45pm in the Jiloa Centre.


We are asking all Year 6 students on Monday to please come to school wearing their sports uniform, with their full summer uniform packed in their bag to get changed into after their PE lessons in the morning. Please remember to include school shoes as well.


Year 6 students will need to wear their summer uniform for the Year 6 Graduation Assembly after lunch.


We are looking forward to a wonderful time together.


Wednesday 6th December - Celebration Service

DCS Whole School Community will gather at the Devonport paranaple Centre to celebrate a wonderful 2023.


DCS Community Picnic from 5pm in Market Square.


Tuesday 12th December  - Primary Sports and Academic Awards Assembly

Join us in the Jiloa Centre from 8:30am - 9:45am to celebrate student achievements for the year.


Water fun and celebrations!

Monday 11th December Splash Celebration Day

Year 1 to 6 students will be walking to Splash Aquatic Centre for water activities, swim carnival fun and a picnic.  Parents are welcome to join us for the day. Please see Schoolbox for further information and to complete the consent form.


Our Kinder and Prep students will be holding their very own fun-filled water play days onsite at school. 

Upcoming Dates: