Student Leadership

Our leadership program
This term students across all year levels have had the opportunity to apply for a leadership role for 2024. Some senior positions have previously been announced. Congratulations to:
College Captains - Olivia Ayyuce and Lucy Webster
SRC President - Caitlin Hughes
Further student leadership roles have now been finalised. The strong response across most year levels has been really exciting to see given that our 2023 leaders made some changes to the structure of our leadership program.
‘A Platform for Change’ was announced following some of our seniors participating in this year’s Global Youth Forum. Students indicated that they wanted leadership in our school to be seen as an opportunity to be heard and action change and some developments were necessary to better enable this. The addition of Student Led Forums next year will open up the opportunities for all students to have direct opportunities to be involved in being heard, leading to increased engagement and action at MGSC.
From the interview process, it became clearer that students are continuing to grow in confidence in recognising what is working well and what they are yet to see at MGSC. Not every student who applied, was interviewed and there were many more applicants than there were positions available. All students who applied are to be commended for their efforts regardless of the outcome. We can all be leaders from wherever we are.
Leadership is many things; being kind to others, setting the example, calling out bullying or racism, seeing an opportunity and taking it and recognising when something could be done differently to achieve a better outcome for everyone. There are opportunities in every classroom, sporting team, music ensemble or club to bring others along with you.
Some of the successes this year included:
- students being very involved in speaking at assemblies and new for this year, level assemblies being organised and run by students and teachers together;
- students representing the College at a wide variety of public events; participation in MUNA- Model United Nations Assembly;
- working together with other schools to speak up about the 825 Bus route;
- meeting with students online to share leadership challenges and opportunities;
- fundraising for several causes;
- 60 students attending leadership conferences and having students participate in ‘Connect’ and ‘Global Youth’ Forums;
- Year 10s in Peer Support and attending the Year 7 Camp;
- the Junior Bake Off and a wide variety of student led activities throughout the year creating opportunities for students to engage with each other outside of the classroom.
Congratulations to the following 2024 Student Leaders :
Middle School Captains - Cerin Luke and Ruby Righetti
Junior School Captains - Emma Galloway and Mya Durakovic
SRC Team - Alexandra Snodgrass, Gabby Taylor, Sanara Ruberu, Harper Shepherd, Vicky Duong, Alexis Sacris, Maddy Lust, Elsa Yu, Bridie Elliot, Ginger Chen, Ruby Sumpter, Charlotte Lam, Hanna Burke, Alisa Siderova, Kaaly Kumar
STEAM Captain - Sammy Roberts
Team - Isabelle Newell, Sophia Raz, Aidan Fallows, Grace Spriggs, Charlie Marshall, Trudie Miller, Bridie McGregor, Emilia Bell, Rose Akbari, Grace Liu, Lina Renier
Keira O'Keefe, Pina Ferraiuolo
Performing Arts Captain - Ella Bennett
Team - Madeleine Fenton, Mariya Bernk, Yolanda Kang, Sarah Williams, Estelle Morgan-Banks, Mona Walker, Millie Bennett, Claudia Short, Niamh Hopkins, Megan Lam, Tiana Brincat, Annika Hitchcock, Ella Nichols, Lola Shepherd, Mavis Johnson, Yashvi Soni
Kenny House Captain - Claire Amato
Team - Talia Arapis, Leila Tait, Sage Dowling, Artemis Sartitsis
Melba House Captain - Ojas Kumar
Team - Isabel Lewis, Harini Santhanam, Sam Holmes
Mackellar House Captain - Holly Sweatman
Team - Matilda Waugh, Brooke Sweatman, Phoebe Sanders
Jackson House Captain - Ava Gryszan
Team - Chelsea Paton, Rose Marsh, Imogen Taylor, Emily Fitzsimmons
We look forward to your guidance and advocacy in 2024.
Annual Whole School Picnic
The annual Whole School Picnic will be held on held on Monday 4 December 4 on the college oval. The SRC will be running the BBQ with sausages (and plant-based alternatives) and it will also be a Free Dress Day and there will be live music to enjoy.
This is a great way to kick off another week in Headstart and the last week for the new seniors.
Ms Wendy Harvey
Director of Student Leadership & Engagement
Remembrance Day
On the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour, the guns on the Western Front fell silent. On the Saturday of November 11th, the Beaumaris RSL invited us to lay a wreath on behalf of Mentone Girls’ Secondary College for the fallen soldiers of World War One. The importance of Remembrance Day stems from the remembrance of the sacrifice the soldiers of World War One endured to protect their lives, their country and the people of the nations. To honour their memories, each year, we commemorate their actions and promise to always remember the everlasting influence their sacrifice has had on our country and the world. Lest we forget.
Thank you for the Beaumaris RSL for organising the event and inviting us.
Cerin Luke and Gabby Taylor