Parents & Friends' Association

With the year fast coming to a close, the main focus for the PFA for the remainder of the
year is the Second Hand Uniform Shop and the Second Hand Books Facebook Page.
MGSC Secondhand Book Buy and Sell
The book lists have been published and the Facebook Page is now active. Please ensure
that the books you are selling are current editions. A list is available on the page, outlining
which books can be sold. For those buying books, please check that you are purchasing the correct edition.
MGSC Secondhand Book Buy and Sell
Request to join the Facebook page.
Second Hand Uniform Shop
Orientation day volunteers
The 2024 Year 7 students will be participating in their Orientation Day on Tuesday 12 December. The PFA will be opening up the Uniform Shop for sales between 2-4pm.
We will be needing volunteers to help set-up (weather permitting the stall will be set up on
the decking at Rooms 4 and 5, assist parents with uniform questions and then help pack up. There are two sessions available of only 1 ½ hours each.
Please follow the link below to sign up.
No experience necessary and all assistance graciously accepted.
If you have any questions regarding the sale, please contact Lianne Wells at as she will be coordinating the sale.
Supplies needed
Uniform stock is running low. It would be great to top it up before the sale and many students will have finished their school year by then.
If you have any uniform items that you are ready to pass on and you wish to donate them to the school or sell them through the shop, please drop them to the uniform shop on Tuesdays 2:45 - 3:45 or Fridays 8:15-9:15. They can also be left at the General Office.
Please ensure you include:
- your name
- contact details - phone & email address
- bank details with your items for sale.
Items in low supply are
- School dresses especially smaller sizes
- Tailored shorts
- Tailored pants
- Rugby tops
- Puffer Jackets
Sharon Wright
PFA President