College Matters

End of year exams
Year 11 (Unit 2) exam period will commence on Thursday 16 November. The final day of Unit 2 classes for Year 11 students is Wednesday 15 November. Year 11 (Unit 2) exams will run from Thursday 16 to Thursday 23 November.
Year 9 and 10 Semester 2 exam period will commence on Monday 20 November. The final day of Semester 2 classes for Year 9 and 10 students is Friday 17 November. Year 9 and 10 exams will run between Monday 20 and Thursday 23 November.
Friday 24 November is a student-free day for report writing.
Headstart commences on Monday 27 November.
Being mindful of our neighbours
The school has received reports that MGSC parents are violating road rules, disrespecting our neighbours and compromising the safety of our students during pick-up and drop-off times.
Parents are asked to NOT -park across driveways, stop in no parking zones, park for extended times in drop-off zones, double park especially in narrow streets, and U-turn near intersections. These are all illegal road-uses and compromise the safety of our students and our relationships with our neighbours.
If necessary the school will work with local authorities in the issuing of fines as required.
Headphone policy
There are revisions to the Headphones policy which guides the use and wearing of headphones at MGSC.
There are students with diagnosed noise sensitivity who require support and as a school, we provide this through regular support group meetings and applying policies.
Unfortunately, some students take advantage of this, which has required the previous policy to be updated and renamed. The new "Noise cancelling earplugs" policy can be found on the College Website and is attached in this communication.
As of 2024 only approved noise cancelling earplugs can be used by students. Individual circumstances will be considered.
In 2024, Kingston City Council will be introducing Online Consent via the Department of Health’s Central Immunisation Records Victoria (CIRV) portal. This will support parents/guardians with students in Year 7 and 10, to respond directly online (using any device) and remove the reliance of card collection and retention at schools. Kingston City Council has provided more information in the attached letter.
Carol Duggan, Hayley Dureau and Detta Gordon
Assistant Principals