Middle School News

Road Safety Awareness Excursion
On Monday 23 October, Year 10 students embarked on a journey to Box Hill Institute to learn, explore and think about the safety of driving and the importance of road safety.
Throughout the day, the Year 10s would work through six workshops, each workshop looking at a different aspect of road safety. It was such a great experience as it allowed for Year 10s to see various perspectives of driving, allowing us all to have a better understanding of such a key component of our life.
A huge thank you to the Road Safety Awareness organisation, the Rotary Club of Mordialloc and the staff of MGSC for making this excursion possible!
Year 9 Food Technology
The Year 9 Food Tech classes recently had their CAT, a creative task in which they were asked to create a sweet or savoury food from a cuisine that hadn’t been covered previously. There was a variety of different foods; pies, cookies and curries to name a few. With the freedom in cooking what they wanted, the students picked foods from an array of different cultures.
Gabby Taylor (Year 10)
Middle School student leaders team