Message from the Principal

Achieving Excellence Together

Dear Families, 


We're well into Term One now and ready to see the amazing progress our students have made with Achievement Week starting on Friday 7 March. For those families new to Albanvale Primary School, Achievement Week is a milestone at our school each term, marking the end of one learning cycle and the beginning of the next. Our students undertake assessments with their teachers and reflect on their progress toward their learning goals. This is celebrated with each student, and of course, using the latest data, each student sets a new reading, writing and maths goal which are then shared and discussed at the upcoming parent teacher interviews.


This year, our Term One Achievement Week coincides with NAPLAN assessments for our Grade 3 and 5 students. This is a great opportunity to celebrate the cumulative learning they have completed over the last 24 months. Although this is simply one assessment on an isolated day, it does provide our school a snapshot of how our systems and structures are working to meet the needs of our students. If you have a child who will be sitting the assessment over the next two weeks, please support them by encouraging them to switch off when they get home and understand that applying their best effort is already an achievement.


Grade 6 Camp

"The best camp I've ever been on". That's a direct quote from one of our 5/6 teachers who was lucky enough to join our Grade 6s at 15 Mile Creek for camp. From all reports our Grade 6 students didn't want to leave, and who would blame them when you spend your days rock climbing, walking and swimming through creeks and bike riding! Thank you to Miss Stevenson, Mr Katiforis and Mr Ibrahim for organising and joining our 6s on camp. I look forward to hearing more from the students in future newsletters about their experience, but while they adjust back to the 'real world' we've included some photos of their adventures - I think the smiles on their faces say all you need to know about how much they enjoyed themselves.


School Photos (Wednesday 19th of March)

School photos will be taking place on Wednesday 19 March. All orders for school photos must be done through the Compass App. Instructions on how to do this are included in this newsletter but if you need assistance, or a reminder of your username/password, please visit the office. 


This is a great time to remind everyone the importance of wearing our full school uniform everyday. As a school, we take pride in our connection as a community and one of the ways we do this is through our school uniform. We appreciate the effort made by students and families to ensure we are showing that respect for our school. 


Our full uniform policy can be found on our website. The Uniform Group (formally PSW) stocks uniform items with the Albanvale Primary School logo on it and they can be purchased using the School Savings Bonus.


Please also be aware that jeans, cargo pants, hoodies or leggings are not permitted and only tights are accepted under dresses. Your continued support is much appreciated. 


Labour Day Holiday - Student Free Day

Monday 10 March is the Labour Day Public Holiday so there will be no school. I hope your family have an opportunity to relax and prepare for the last four weeks of the school term!



Michael Uzunovski


Albanvale Primary School