Catholic Identity

Lenten journey to Easter
Next week we begin the season of Lent. This is marked on Ash Wednesday as we receive the ashes on our forehead at Mass to remind us of God’s love for us. We are asked to make a change in our lives and hearts, reminding us to be the best version of ourselves and to reach out to others.
Ash Wednesday Mass will be celebrated in the Brigidine Centre at 9.15am this Wednesday 4th March. I will have the kettle on in the Brigidine Centre for those parents and carers who would like to enjoy a cuppa between school drop off and Mass.
Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Tuesday)
On Tuesday 4th March we will be celebrating Pancake Tuesday!
Pancakes will be made and cooked on this day and shared with learners and staff. Thank you to all those who have volunteered to help prepare and cook these treats. Many hands will make light work on this morning. Thank you.
A gold coin donation from each learner would be appreciated to support Caritas Australia. Project Compassion boxes will be located in each classroom for donations to be inserted.
Burning of the Palms
On Shrove Tuesday we use the palms from last year's Palm Sunday, which are burnt and when cooled, used to remind us to be more like Jesus in our words, thoughts and actions. A liturgy will be held on Tuesday 4th March at 2.30pm. Please join us.
Thankful Thursday
Often when we can name what we are thankful for, we are then more mindful of those who do not have what we have. As ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, the season of Lent calls us to be mindful of those who are less fortunate; to be hope-filled that all in our world have equality and an opportunity to ‘live life to the full’. (John 10:10).
Each Thursday for four weeks, beginning on Thursday 13th March, one item that learners are thankful for at St Mary’s will be chosen and learners will be asked to bring a gold coin to create a golden ring around one thing that a House has named. (eg. playground; teachers; basketball court etc). These golden rings will be made during the first break, immediately after eating time.
Each Thursday, the coins will be collated for each House and a running tally will be made.
All money will be donated to Caritas Australia.
“For it is in giving that we receive.” – Saint Francis of Assisi.
Year Level / Community | Date | Venue |
Whole school burning of the Palms Liturgy | Tuesday 4th March @ 2.30pm
St Mary’s School |
Whole school Ash Wednesday Mass (Marking the beginning of the Season of Lent) |
Wednesday 5th March @ 9.15am |
Brigidine Centre St Mary’s School
Year 2 Mass
Thursday 13th March @ 12.30pm |
Brigidine Centre St Mary’s School |
Year 4 Mass
Thursday 20th March @ 12.30pm |
Brigidine Centre St Mary’s School |
Grade 4 Candidates | Saturday 29th March @ 6.00pm Sunday 30th March @ 9.30am |
St Mary’s Church |
Dear Lord,
I know you receive what is in my heart.
Let me be inspired by your words and by the actions of your son, Jesus.
Guide me to make sacrifices this Lent in the spirit of helping others and with greater attention to you and to those around me.
We ask this prayer, through Christ our Lord.